
Maybe it's time

Jason returns Katie's hug, giving her an extra squeeze before she backs away.

Nope... I'll always be sorry for hurting you, no matter if I ever see it's not my fault or not... only 'cause I love you.

Carson laughs at Katie's comment. "You, winning? If that's the case, it's only because I'm such a good teacher."

Jason smirks. "So while I'm in there duking it out, you two are here playing games. Nice."

"Hey, I'm not the one who started it." Carson moves to a nearby table, gesturing for Jason and Katie to sit with him. He has a notepad with him, and is ready to form his plan.

"Alright... we're gonna high tail it out of here tonight. We'll catch a couple planes then get across the ocean. It's gonna be one long trip, so be prepared to try and stay awake once we get there. We don't have time for jetlag."

Jason kicks Katie under the table. "She can keep us awake. She's good at bugging people."

Not missing a beat, Carson nods. "This I know." He jots down some notes. "Once we land in Australia, we're going to meet up with an ally there. I don't know anyone myself who's on the good guy's side, so Reese is finding us someone we can trust. We'll need him to help watch our back and keep us up to date with what's happening around us. Once we settle in, we'll head out for where I know the Agency base is. We'll wind up hiking on foot for a good day or so in order to maintain as low a profile as possible. Once there..."

Carson looks up and gives a little shrug. "Who knows. But I chose the two of you because we might need your teamwork, whether it's to scare the bajeebers out of somebody, or be able to communicate without them knowing it."

Jason sits back and sighs. "Well... looks like that's about as much planning as we can do. Do we know how long this is gonna take?"

"Nope. We won't know much until we get there. I'd send a scout ahead, but we don't have time for that. We have to go straight in ourselves." Carson looks at Jason, then at Katie. "We need to gather up some firearms, settle on some fake IDs and get everything else we need packed... and do it all in the next few hours. Are you two with me?"

Kyle is silent for several minutes. One might think he hadn't heard Alice at all. But he finally answers her. "I'm pulling out." His eyes drift the countryside instead of looking at her. "There's two concerts coming up... one for JetStream and one for Cryptic, I'm sure you've seen the ads. I'll be there for both. But after that... I'll be leaving town. You... won't get much of a story on me then I guess, so I apologize. But... I've got an invitation and... maybe it's time for me to move on and leave this dream behind."

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