
Two of us

All the way in Susanne's office, she can hear the arguing and raised voices, her own anger remaining. Austin was being unreasonable, and no one could tell him otherwise unless they wanted to risk their job.

Her fingers hit her computer keys harder as she pulls up the files that Austin wanted. Never before had she ever contemplated quitting her job. But today she was coming close.

As Austin stalks by to go to his own office, Susanne looks up, her eyes following him. What had gotten into him? What had changed him? He used to be a friend to everyone here, and now all he was doing was making enemies.

Sighing, Susanne listens, but can't hear any more voices out on the main floor. Craning her neck, she can just make out a few agents near the spot where Scott was. Knowing he had help, she tries to get back to work, but her mind just wouldn't let her. She felt so sorry for Scott... she'd always given him such a bad time before when he'd be so clumsy, but the current situation just went to prove how much she really cared about him. She was old enough to be his mother, and though maybe she never let it show, she had always tried to look out for him one way or another. These recent events bothered her to no end, and Austin's behavior was like salt to a wound.

Pausing her work to think a moment, Susanne recalls how Scott looked. He was so thin... so very thin and pale. The dark circles under his eyes proved he wasn't getting any good sleep, and his lack of weight gain proved he hasn't been eating well either. His spirit had been broken, that much was evident.

Susanne cocks her head to make sure she can't hear Austin's voice in Reese's office, ensuring he wasn't coming back out right away. Picking up her phone, she dials quickly, then gives the person on the other end some quick instructions before hanging up and getting back to work.

Scott hears Dalton’s voice and slowly lifts his head, glancing up to see the tall man for just a second before dropping his eyes again. He felt so stupid. Sitting here on the floor… how much lower could he get? How much more could he embarrass himself? He’d just felt so… trapped.

Swallowing hard, he contemplates Dalton’s offer. Fidgeting with a thread on his jeans, he can’t seem to make up his mind. What was the point in helping? He didn’t have a job here anymore, and he knew it, no matter how the others tried to hide it from him. He catches the word “our” and wonders about it, though doesn’t ask. Surely it was just a slip of the tongue on Dalton’s part.

Before he can answer whether or not he’ll help, Sapphire comes with her offer to take him home. Finally looking up, he eyes her for a moment, sensing the old feeling once again that somewhere deep down he missed his sister. His eyes roam to Dalton, then Nate, then back again. He felt like such a child sitting here looking up at them. They weren’t judging him… they weren’t putting him down, or trying to make him feel foolish… but he did.

Once more, he sees Dalton’s outstretched hand. And slowly… slowly, he reaches up with his own to take it to help him stand. Emotions threaten to spill out of his eyes, but he holds them back, keeping his gaze to the floor. “I’ll help,” he mumbles.

Then he gives Sapphire a quick glance. “And when I’m done… you can take me home.”

Domino looks up at Nate, still in his cubicle, and hangs around his legs for several minutes before daring to look around the corner again. Seeing her master up, she wanders toward him, dragging her leash along behind her.

Scott bends down to pick up the leash, clutching it tightly as if afraid if he let go, he’d lose his little friend for good. “Okay….” He aims his speech to Dalton once more. “I’ll come look at the program.”

Following along numbly behind Dalton, he goes back to the office, standing to the side a moment until the door is shut, and he goes to the extra chair as he had the last time. Domino sits down by the door, quietly waiting.

Scott eases down in the chair and blinks, his eyes stinging just a bit. Embarrassment for his display hung on, even though Dalton didn’t seem to be the type to talk about it.

He studies the computer screen for several moments, furrowing his brow. And finally, his shoulders drop just a little, and he sighs, leaning back in his chair. He eyes the floor at his feet. “This is easy stuff, Dalton,” he comments softly. “If you didn’t know how to fix this, you wouldn’t have had a position in Arizona. You need me like you need a kick to the head.”

Finally he musters up enough courage to look up to see Dalton’s eyes. His own reflect discouragement and sadness, his tone remaining quiet. “I don’t know why you’re doing this… TJY doesn’t need two of us. Austin’s right. And… you’re the one with a stable mind. I’m beginning to think I’ve got a screw loose. So… why don’t I just go have my sister take me home and… I’ll leave you at it?”

Carson moves about the kitchen, trying to keep up with the group that had come in late morning, all hungry. Even between him and Herb, sometimes it was hard.

His hands were busy, though his mind wasn't where it should be this morning. All he could think about was last night with Jess, and his recent encounter with Misty. Thinking about it over and over and over, still he couldn't feel at peace about any of it. He knew he'd made the right decision about Jess, but that didn't make him feel any better. And he knew that it just couldn't work between him and Misty anymore, but that didn't make him feel any more decisive about it. He was just...

Carson's thoughts are brought to a screeching halt, his knife clattering to the floor. Blood trickles down his hand from the deep cut on his finger and a curse slips out under his breath. Leaving his place, he moves to the sink to wash out the wound, disgusted with himself. He couldn't let his mind wander... not here when he was supposed to be working.

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