

As Misty works on Carson's finger she used the utmost care as not to prick wrong ore make any slips. Even though at one point in time he was ever so made at Carson the thought of causing him pain only made her feel sick.

Everyonce and a while Misty's eyes would gaze up at Carson as she tryed to sapress a smile on her face. She couldnt help the butterflys that still fluttered in her stomach and the racing of her heart it was just something that happend.

Finally after Carson was all sticked up Misty moves away and washes up her hands and the few tools she used placing the needle in a bag to bring back to the infermary to dispose of. Going back to the counter she stands to put her stuff away untill she feels Carson warm hand on top of hers. Turning a little Misty looks up at Carson stairing deep into his blue eyes. Misty mind races as she almost gets lost in the deepths of Carson's eyes. They seemed to go on forever as the mystory still layed in them even after Misty new almost everything about him.

As Carson's hand brushes Misty's face lightly and pushes the strang of hair behind her ear, Carson's words meet her ears pulls her out of the transe she had fall into. Finally giving a shiver the old sassy grin plays on Misty's lips. Something not seem for some time.

Bringing her own hand to the side of Carson's face Misty runs a finger over his cheek and down the side of his face for a moment before replying.

"I'll always come back to mend the wounds. Because I care that much."

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