

Giving the can to Scott and than sitting down again Dalton was happy to see Scott at least taking sips of the drink. It wasnt the best thing for him but it was better than nothing.

"If you look close Scott you can tell I didnt change much in the office from how you have it. So really it is yours still because I didnt make it my own. As for being cut out for this job, I do believe you still are. "

Dalton takes a sip of his own pop before continuing. Working the words he wanted to say through his own mind to make sure they would come out ok.

"Don't let Austin be right Scott. I know it hurts, and I know you feel so lost, trust me I have been there. but dont let them win."

Looking up at Rick Misty quirks an eyebrow. She had been there moments before and everything seemed find. What had changed now? Could it have to do with the package she left and if it did was was going to happen?

"Ok, I'll grab myself. Was anything alse said?"

With in a few minutes Misty is pulling into Mom and Pop's and entering the restront. Throwing a smile to Areith she questions.

"Where is the person in need of a dr?"

Aerith can't help but giggle and point to the back room. He's in the kitchen.

Making her way to the back Misty wasnt sure what to exspect. Seeing Herb next to Carson and the blood over Carson's shirt and hand Misty instincs quickly kick in.

"Ok Herb get back to cooking before you customers start to complain."

Giving Misty a grin and a nod he heads back to cooking.

Opening her bag Misty takes out a few things to clean Carson's cut. Taking his hand in her she gets to work cleaning the wound and absintmindly talking to him.

Can't seem not to cut yourself at work huh?

Once the cut is clean Misty takes a close look at it seeing how deep it was and that the blood was non stop. Telling Carson to put more pressure on it Misty goes back to her bag and pulls out a saring filled with novacain.

"Your gonna need a few stiches."

Continuing to prep the needle Misty walks back over to Carson taking his hand in one and holding the needle in the other. Remember Carson's fear of needles Misty finally looks up locking eyes with him.

"If you look away it wont hurt as much."

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