
Tried that once

Scott would rather argue about whose office this was, but decides not to. Dalton was just trying to be nice, so he'd let him.

Thinking about not letting Austin be right, Scott grits his teeth, remembering the interrogation. But what if Austin really was right? Scott certainly didn't feel capable of doing anything right at the moment, and therefore it was better for TJY if he wasn't there. It was a terrifying thought... losing his job... but what if it really was for the best? Dalton didn't seem to think it was though.

"I don't know how to win," he finally responds numbly. Setting the half-empty can down, he stands up, leaving the program as it was for Dalton to fix himself. But as he steps away from the desk, he pauses. It felt like a game between who was trying to make who feel better. Maybe today he'd give in.

Turning back around, he reaches down and hits just two key combinations. The program automatically restarts, scanning for bugs and fixing glitches before it resets itself.

Hesitating, he turns again, aiming for the door. "I... guess I'll see you around."

Taking Domino's leash, he heads out of the office, closing the door behind him. Slowly, he goes to Sapphire's cubicle, his eyes constantly shifting to make sure Austin wasn't near. Reaching his sister's space, he knocks lightly. "I, um..." He hated asking favors of her... she looked busy. "If... if you still don't mind, I... guess I'd like that ride right about now."

As Misty appears in the kitchen, Carson looks up, his pulse quickening. Not saying anything, he just stands at the sink, letting Misty take over. He doesn't react to the pain. The only thing he really feels is her hands on his, and how warm they felt.

As she preps the needle, he tenses just a little, knowing what was to come. Cringing just a little, he’s surprised when Misty finally looks him in the eye, advising him about looking away.

Just staring into her eyes for a moment, he swallows hard. “I tried that once,” he responds quietly. “But it only made the pain worse.”

Though it hurt, his fingers wrap around Misty’s for a moment before he finally breaks his gaze to look up at the ceiling. He winces as he feels the needle, but knows better than to flinch. Not particularly wanting to watch her sew up his finger either, he just braces himself against the sink, letting her work.

Once the stitches are in place and a bandage is around his first finger, he grabs a towel to wipe up the mess on the counter. Stopping though, he looks to Misty again, seeing her putting her things back into her bag.

On impulse, he reaches out to lay a hand on hers, stopping her work for a moment. Looking down into her eyes once more, he tries to see what she is thinking… what she is feeling.

A bit of heat crawls up the back of his neck as a million and one thoughts fly through his mind. Everything about yesterday comes back… all the feelings… all the confusion. And yet, right now, it didn’t seem to matter.

Moving his hand, he reaches out to tuck Misty’s hair behind her ear so he can fully see her face. His voice is quiet and low. “Thank you…” He pauses again. “If I cut another finger tomorrow, would you come back?”

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