

Sitting in the other chair that was close to where Scott was Dalton lets out a small sigh. Just eyeing Scott for a moment Dalton finaly speaks. His tone is the normal gruff but there is a certin softness to it that even saprises the Hulk himself.

"We all need help sometimes. Even the Hulks and the Tanks. There is a lot of stuff I don't know about these programs that you do. I'd like to work with you not inplace of you. So you might want to but don't give up yet. Now, I still could use some help if you are willing to offer it or you can go. It your choise I wont hold you here, but you welcome for this to be your safe haven whenever. Its your office to after all. It always will be."

Standing Datlon streaches a little and goes to the tiny fridge that was in the far courner pulling out a can of Moutain dew. Taking out another he holds it up to Scott asking if he wanted one as well.

Hearing the knife hit the ground Herb turn fast as he quickly makes his way over to Carson at the sink.

"Make sure you clean that out good and pure pressure on it so it stops bleeding. You might need stiches for it."

Leaving the kitchen for a moment Herb comes back with a first aid kit. Digging through it for some ointment and bandages.

Hearing the noise in the Back Mable peeks her head through the window.

"You know if you didnt stair off into never never land you wouldnt try to take a finger off."

Looking up at his wife momentarily Herb shakes his head.

"Would you go back to work and let us take care of them please?"

Rolling her eyes Mable goes back to take orders.

Taking Carson hand and looking at it Herb speaks again.

"Penny for you throughts?"

A few minutes pass and Mable enters the kitchen again a brown paper bag in hand. Going over to Carson she holds it out for him.

"I'm not sure who left this Carson but it has your name on it. I would guess it would of been Jess but than again I would think she would of asked for you. The funny thing is the person must of come in and out because I didnt see anyone."

Inside the paper bag was a grilled cheese sandwatch and a few chips. Only a few people would know who this lunch was from.

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