

Over hearing the camotion as he came down the hall Dalton raises an eyebrow. Staying in the distince he just watches as Austin and Rick go back an forth untill his eyes fall to Scott. He couldnt help but feel sorry for him. It seemed like so long ago Dalton had felt so scaired of life and people, not for the same reasons as Scott but the feeling was still there.

Keeping his distince untill Austin was gone Dalton slowly make his way over to Scott giving Nate a nod that he was not going to cause any harm.

Not standing quite as tall as normal Dalton holds the papers he had in one hand while he held the other out in friendship to help Scott up.

"I had another problem with one of the programs I was trying to work on. I was hoping I would catch you before you left to try and fix it for me again. I tryed working on it all day and I am just not sure what I am doing wrong.'

Dalton dosnt smile as Scott but that was ok just something about his face showed there was a smile. He new once again he was telling a fib but he had over hurd Rick wanting to have Scott stay and if this ment he would than Dalton was happy to help. Though he still couldnt put his finger on what it was about Scott that drew him in Dalton new there was just something about him.

"We can even take Domino into our office. Austin can keep her from the building but that office is our right? So that means we have a say in who is in it."

The words "Our" slip so easy from Dalton's lips that he dosnt even skip a beat saying them. They seemed the right words to say and he new they were.

Sapphire looks up fast from her desk as Rick starts to talk to her. She had overhurd part of what went on but tryed to lose herself before she could consintrate to much on it. She hated fight and tryed not to get into the middle.

Hearing Rick's request Sapphire gives a nod and stands from her desk.

"Yeah I will see what I can do."

She didnt get along to well with her brother anymore but that didnt mean she was just going to feed in to the wolfs. Weather she said it alot or not she cared alot for her brother still.

Walking over to where Nate and Dalton already where Sapphire gives Nate a small smile and than looks to Scott taking her keys from her pocket.

"Hey you ready to go home little brother?"

Sapphires eyes question him as she bends down to try and help completly unawair of Dalton's question.

Seeing that Sapphire didnt know Nate stands.

"Dalton was just asking for his help actully with some computer stuff. That was if Scott wanted too."

Looking at Nate than Dalton and back at her brother Sapphire gives a small shrug.

"Its up to him. Whatever he wants to do it fine with me."

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