

*Jamie looks sternly but lovingly at Con.*

"Trust in God is what you need to keep doing. There IS a reson for this Con. Even if we cant see it. Dont give up on yourself of him. Your lucky to be alive, and lucky Reese cares enough to make a desition that was probley as hard for him as it was for you. He dosent want to see you dead. Non of us do Con. You'd just be puting yourself in danger."

*Jamie trys her best to show Con comfort but feels she is failing misribly.*

*Even Phil cant see her Katie nods.*

"Ya I know. I'll be waiting outside for Kyle."

*Katie grabs her bad and stuff her phone in it. As she waits she taps her foot impasently waiting for Kyle. Once at Mike's and down stairs Katie trys to hurry seeing Jason only yo get her wheel chair stuck on a crack in the floor.*

"Dang nab it this stupid thing."

*As Katie looks up she see Jason helpless on the floor the feeling inside her whelling she needed to get to him. Without even thinking and a bit wobbly Katie stands out of her chair. Her leg buckle under her once, than standing tall again taking a deep breath Katie takes 4 steps from her chair to Jason, falling to her knees and skuffing them under she jeans. As the small amoutn of blood soaks though Katie dosent pay attachen to it. Taking Jason softly in her arms.*

"J, Its Katie. I'm here now. Come back to us J. Everything is ok, and your safe. We arnt gonna let anythig happen to you."

*Katie studys Jason's face and she runs her hand through his hair.*

"Shhhh....its ok J. Its ok."

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