
Not 'Need' ...but 'Want'

Con leans back against the building's brick wall, mulling over Jamie's words, and knowing their truth. It was just hard to admit.

"I know it," he finally replies quietly, lowering his gaze to the ground. "I just...never thought something like this would happen. I figured I'd either die on the job or retire out of it." He shakes his head. "I know God's in here somewhere...just not seeing Him in it confuses me, and..." Con pauses, wondering if he could even admit it aloud. "...and I guess I'm scared. I don't want to end up driving truck or sitting behind a desk... and I don't want to see people hurt who I could have saved..."

He folds his arms across his chest, and raises his eyes to squint in the sunlight. "I don't know if I can handle staying here without being able to do what I've been trained to do."

Seeing Katie getting up out of her chair and stumbling, Kyle makes a move towards her to help, but Phil reaches out to stop him. Brothers lock eyes for a moment, and Phil adequately conveys the message to leave Katie alone. More was happening here than they knew about. They both watch in surprise as Katie takes several steps. They want to allow their excitement to show, but it is held in check by the current situation.
The three men give Katie and Jason room, all having known facts, but seeing this situation now was a little unnerving. They retreat into the other room to sit, wait and pray, though remain close in case they're needed.

Jason continues to shake, his body revolting against the emotional trauma. But as Katie draws near, her voice...her touch.. they are like a door opening up to let light stream into the darkness, beckoning Jason out of the nightmare. He fights against his own mind to draw himself out. He can hear Katie's soft words...he can feel her soothing hand as she runs her fingers through his hair.

Slowly, slowly, like a fog gradually lifting, the horrific pictures begin to dissipate, and the reality around him starts to come into focus.

Blinking, Jason realizes he's being held, his head resting in Katie's arms. Emotions well up in the form of tears behind his eyes, but he wills them not to overflow. There were too many eyes here.

Completely exhausted, he doesn't make an effort to move yet, and works on trying to slow his breathing and racing heart. Katie had come...she'd dropped everything and run...for him...again. He could have waited out the episode...he could have let it run its course and recuperate on his own. But he'd wanted her...he'd wanted her close to chase away the nightmares like only she could.

Closing his eyes, he starts to relax. "Thanks, Hero," he whispers. A forced laugh comes out weakly. "I guess I just can't live without you."

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