
Getting Help

Con grits his teeth, trying to calm himself down. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this upset. He knew it was rare for anyone to see him like this. It was just, so….so unfair.

He finally turns around to look down at Jamie. “It was just like I thought. Reese has already taken me off the field. No cases here, no going back to Texas, no nothing. He doesn’t think I should be out there with half my hearing, so that’s that. He wouldn’t give me a definite answer on what he’d have me doing, but we all know that means I’ll be stuck behind a desk just like I predicted.”

Con doesn’t like feeling so out of control…he knows he shouldn’t be this upset…he was lucky to be alive at all, let alone up and walking. But everything had changed so quickly… “A couple days ago, I knew where I belonged, Jamie… and now…now I don’t know. Ever since I got kicked off the police force, I’ve been here…I’ve been working the streets…being a bodyguard…the action is what’s kept me going. If I can’t do that anymore…I just don’t know what to do anymore.”

Mike hears Jason’s phone going off from the other room. “Phil, I’m not sure I understood everything Jason and Katie told us before, but that might be her. Go see and answer it.”

Phil hates to leave Jason, but does as Mike suggests. Flipping the phone open, he sees Katie’s name. That made things a little easier. …It dawns on him that this would have to be an awful coincidence if Katie didn’t know what was going on. Was it really possible for her to feel this? “Katie – this is Phil. I grabbed Jason’s phone for him. I hope you can get away from the hospital, ‘cause Kyle’s on his way over there now. I think Jason’s having a bout with flashbacks and it looks pretty bad. We can’t even get him up off the floor. The only thing he’s said so far is to get you. “

Kyle makes it to the hospital in record time, thankful there had been no cops out on the roads today. Sprinting across the parking lot, he makes it up to Katie’s room within minutes, not even bothering to look the nurse’s way. Skidding to a halt in her room, he knows she’s aware of what’s going on after Mike had phoned him. “Sorry, Katie, but Jason asked for ya.” For once, the mischief is gone from Kyle’s eyes, and he’s quick to help get Katie downstairs and out to the truck.

Back on the road again, Kyle takes the sidestreets to the country road where he once again pushes the speed limit. Once to Mike’s, Phil is there to greet them.

“He’s still not responding,” Phil informs Katie. “I’d call for help, but I knew you knew more about this than we do.”

He and Kyle get Katie downstairs to the basement and wheel her to were Jason is.

He still lies on the floor curled up, his hands clenched in tight fists, and his shirt soaked with sweat. His body shakes from the shock as the images continue to taunt his mind, though he tries to grasp reality.

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