

Con tries to stop his mind from turning in circles. There wasn’t much point in thinking about it now. He was tired, he was still recuperating, and he knew he wasn’t thinking completely straight. He was running on adrenaline and emotion, providing a deadly combination for decision making.

Finally he nods and straightens up. “I guess take me with you. I probably won’t be much good around here today anyway, and I’m not really feeling up to talking to a lot of people.”

He glances down at Jamie, forcing a small smile to show he’s really trying not to get down. It wasn’t like him to let something get to him like this, and he knew it…he shouldn’t start now, no matter how bad he was feeling. What Jamie was saying made sense…he just needed to take the information from his brain and somehow get his heart to accept it. For now, maybe the best thing was to stop dwelling on it.

“Besides that, after hardly eating anything yesterday and skipping breakfast this morning, I think I could eat a horse.”

“…Yeah, okay, Wyatt said he’d bring me in the morning.”

Con suddenly turns to his right, towards the door that was opening. What on earth?

Hal nods as he and Ty walk to his truck, passing Jamie and Con without seeing them. “Sounds alright. We can finish up that corner we didn’t get to and then move that equipment downstairs.”

Con’s eyes follow them, his puzzlement obvious on his face. “That the new kid helping with janitorial work?” he asks Jamie. “The one living with Wyatt?” He shakes his head. “I could have sworn that was Clint’s voice…he’s a kid over in Texas.” Letting it slide, he sighs. “So…I’m ready to go whenever you are, I guess.”

Jason keeps his eyes closed for several minutes, trying to get a handle on what was going on around him. Nothing could calm him like Katie could, and right now, he wasn’t going to fight it.

Finally gaining back some of his strength, he raises himself up to lean back against the wall, still sitting on the floor by Katie. “It just hit me so hard…and I couldn’t shake it. There were so many things…even more memories coming up to the surface…” He rubs his hands over his face. “I saw that bathroom door there and I…I was just in that house all over again.”

Hearing Jason’s voice, the three other guys slowly approach. Instead of remaining on their feet or being intrusive, they simply join Katie and Jason on the floor. Kyle looks across the small hallway with concern. “You okay?”

Jason sighs and nods. “Yeah. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” Mike scoffs. “I don’t think you’ve got anything to apologize for, Jason. We were just pretty worried there.”

Jason lowers his eyes, knowing he should explain. “I saw a guy in town today…he, um… reminded me of Alex… the guy that took me when I was nine. I guess…I thought I could just get past it, but by the time I got this far, the memories were coming too strong to stop.”

Phil purses his lips, feeling a wave of sympathy. Jason’s whole story was untold, but it was obvious that it was none too easy. “How come you didn’t say anything?”

Jason’s face reddens slightly. “It’s not exactly something I talk about too much.”

“Well starting now, that changes.” Kyle looks at him with emphasis. “We don’t scare easily, so next time you start to head down that hill, you just tell us, and we’ll do whatever you need us to do.” He searches Jason’s face. “You can’t help it when this happens, and we can’t help it that we care. We’re a team now, and teammates stick together.”

Mike nods his agreement. “We understand rough times, Jase…and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.” Feeling the freedom of the moment, he asks. “He hurt you bad, didn’t he.”

Jason swallows hard, his hand dropping down as he pulls a knee up to his chest. “Yeah. For over a year.”

“I’m guessing just about anything can trigger those memories.”

“Pretty much.” Jason’s hand finds Katie’s as he searches for courage to get through this. “Today it was seeing a look-alike.” He bites his lip. “Look, guys…I’ve tried to predict what will trigger these flashbacks…and I’ve tried to get a grip before they take over…but most of the time it just happens…are you sure you want me in the band?”

All three guys roll their eyes at the same time. “I don’t want you ever asking that again,” Mike warns. “Now look…for the last time, we’re in this together. Next time you start having trouble, no matter how small, you say something, alright? Then we’ll either help talk you down or we’ll know to call Katie…okay?”

Jason finally looks up at the others, finding it hard to understand their willingness to work with him…their friendship ran deep, no doubt. He can’t help but nod. “Okay…”

“Good.” Phil picks himself up to stand. “At this point in time, are you going to be all right? You need anything?”

“I don’t know.” Jason could feel the memories close to the door of his mind, still waiting to attack whenever he let his guard down. “It’s going to be a rough night, but…I’ll be okay if I can just get this to pass.” He can feel a lightheadedness start to seep in, and grimaces. “At the moment though, I need some sugar.”

“You a diabetic?”

Jason shakes his head. “No, but my blood sugar had a tendency to get low, especially when I’m stressed.”

Mike rises, joining Phil. “I got some fruit juice in the fridge.”

“That’ll work.”

With the other two gone, Kyle looks back and forth between Katie and Jason, studying them together. “We’re not gonna force any more practice today, Jase. You need your rest, and we can practice any time. I’ll give you two a ride back to the hospital though, and Phil can follow on the bike if you want.”

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