
What next

*Katie flips the visor down and look at Ty's reflaction. Something....something tuged at her mind again. She new him from somewhere. His face, his attitude..It was so familure.* "LIsten kid, if we were really part of a gang we wouldent have just gotten you out of jail. We probly would of shot you while you were still in there." *Katie keeps watching Ty in the mirror.* " Now if you really want us to be from some gang I have no problem tieing you up and throwing you in the trunk." *Katie flips the visor back up and takes out her cell. Dialing Reese number.* "Hey Reese its Katie." *Katie gives Reese a lowdown on what went on and to get instructions on what to do next. Glancing at Wyatt out of the side of her eyes she smiles.*

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*Rosetta smiles and hugs Mick back.* " I will, and you can always pray too. Its pritty easy just talk to God like you would any of your friends. He will always listen to you. I'd even be willing to pay with you sometime if you wanted." *As Rosetta embraces Mick she thanks God for leting Mick's heart be open and ask questions. The though of losing him and having him condemed for ever was a though she hated. Rosetta wanted Mick to be saved and excited about God as she would.* "Come on lets go get some lunch." *Rosetta walk's with Mick making there way back to the mess hall.*

*Wendy cant help but laugh.* "Ok, I guess I can let you go back. I should probley get this painting done anyways before I lose the sky. I'll see ya at dinner, and maybe before." *Wendy resumes her seat and starts to paint again.*

*Angel exstends her arms giving Jade a hug.* "Corse I do hun, and yes its never easy. Come on lets walks alittle. It will do us both good." *Angel walks with Jade being a sounding bored for the young girl.*

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