

Mick finds a gentle comfort in Rosetta’s prompting, and finally raises himself up off the ground, following her numbly to her house. He feels like a whipped puppy with nothing left but pride lost in the wind.
Once inside, the howling wind is lost, and the quiet is a shock to the ears until a roll of thunder comes again.
Mick’s eyes focus on the floor where the mud and water run, and he dares not go further. “I’m sorry, Rosetta,” he manages. “I was wrong…I can’t do this myself anymore. You were right.”

Ty lies awake on Wyatt’s spare bed, feeling as though he’s in a dream. He can hear Trooper pacing outside the door, and wonders what tomorrow will bring. Was his future changed because of this one event? What would happen now?
The questions seem lost as he slowly drifts to sleep.

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