
I know how you feel

*Katie continues to look out the window as she listens to Wyatt and Ty talk. Finally after Ty asks the same question for the million time Katie turns in her seat.* " Its part of out Job. Its what we do. We take the innocent and keep them from being wrongfuly accused. Its just what we do. We dont like seeing something happen to people who dont deserve it. There is nothing more to it, nothing less." *Katie turns and looks out the window again. Deep down she felt so sorry for Ty. She had been the same age as him when she left home. Katie new it wasent an easy road to travil and when you dident have true friends and family it was hard. After a moment Katie turns again.* "Listen I am sorry I snaped at you. I guess it kind of hits home. I wasent much older than you were when I left home and got into trouble. Be lucky that you have people who care enough to try and help you. Even if you dont know who they are. We are good people, and we work for what is right. You have nothing to worry about." *As Katie falls silent she remembers she hadent called Con today. Pulling out her phone again she turns to Wyatt.* " I forgot to call Con before we left. This will only take a minute." *Katie dials Con's number and waits.*

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*Angel listens to Jade deep in though.* " Its never easy Jade no matter how long you have been with the person. You build a closeness with them, and get use to your life with them in it. Its not silly to be like that. Your human and it shows emotion. Even if you leave being totel upset with the person or even hating them, it still hurts to have to do so. Yes things will be differnt but at least you still get to be friends. As for you leaving, it would be sad to see you go. We have all goten use to having your pritty face around. But you need to do what you think it best for you, and not worry about everyone alse. Sometimes, you have to go through alot of hurt to finally find the one your ment to be with. Every person we meet and grow close to teaches us something differnt, and we carry that with us forever."

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