
What on earth

*As Katie listens to Con she is a bit saprised about the news with Jason.* "J is going to Alaska? Wow...ok..I'll let Carter know. Ok Con...I'll talk to ya again soon. Let J know I said be safe. Later." *Katie hangs up the phone. She feels a bunch a mixed emotions. Even though her and Jason were so far apart she could still feel him enough to knoe he was ok and not in danger. But if he was going to Alaska it was going to be even FARTHER away and she dident know if she would be able to feel him at all. As they stop away from TJY Katie nods.* " Ok I guess so, but I want an extra long walk with you 2 than next time." *Katie smiles and turns to Ty.* " Have a good night and dont get to scaired of Trooper." *Kaite says goonight to Wyatt and gives his hand a small squeeze. Geting out of the car she waves as the boys drive away. Katie makes her way back to TJY in no hurry to get back.*

*As everyone is gathering for dinner Wendy enters the mess hall and hanger her new painting up. It dident come out how she wanted but it wasent horrable eather. After puting her painting items away and scans the room for Clint. Giving a wave she heads over and sits down.* "Heya you. Get all your work done for the day or is Wes gonna kill you." *Wendy gives alittle giggle.*

*As the thunder rolls Rosetta shoots up out of bed. A voice she though she hurd a voice call out over the thunder and rain. Geting out of bed she squints out the window. During the summer and spring Rosetta's sleep habbit changed. She dident sleep as deep as in the winter. She always was sleeping with one eye and ear open in case a visoter needed help. As Rosetta continues to scan the yard she heads the faint voice again. A crack of thunger follows and a flash of lighting lites up the sky showing a form laying on the ground. Panic over takes Rosetta. Throwing on her jacket and slipping on her boots she flings the door open. Jumping off the porch she runs across the lawn. Drawing closer she can now make out its Mick. Over the thunder Rosetta yells.* "Mick, MICK Whats wrong? are you ok? what are you doing out here. Rosetta scans the yard squinting through the rain again trys to get the sarounding trying to make sure no one alse is out there.*

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