

Tears pool behind Mick’s eyes, and he leans back against the wall, taking a deep breath. His wetness and coldness simply goes unnoticed as he closes his eyes. He knows what he must do… he knows it’s right…he knows that life or death depends on it. “Oh, God,” he finally whispers, “I’m sorry I’ve been such a fool…I’ve done so many thing wrong… But I give up. I can’t do this on my own…please….” He hesitates, the words sticking in his throat. “Please…take my life…I want to be forgiven…I want to be made new…”
Like the sun breaking through a blanket of clouds, warmth fills Mick’s heart. It’s not the words, he knows, that have lifted this weight from his shoulders, but his willingness to give that weight up. His fight was over…he was free.
Turning to Rosetta, he looks her in the eye, all of his pent-up emotions spilling over in a tear of sorrow mingled with a new joy he’s never known. Reaching out, he embraces her in strong hug, just holding her close…just allowing himself that comfort. “Thank you for not giving up on me,” he whispers.

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