

*BJ nods at Mick.* "I tan be strong too."* BJ looks at Rosetta again. Slowly he holds out his arm wtih the pic in it.*

*Gently Rosetta takes the picture from BJ looking at the picture Rosetta smiles.* "Whos this?"

*Softly BJ speaks.* "Dat is Sham, and mes when I was a baby." * A smile creeps across BJ's face as he takes the picture back and puts it back into his bag. Stoping for a moment to take some toys out and play with them on the floor.*

*Rosetta stands and looks at Mick leaning aganst the counter.* "So do we know anything alse about BJ yet? At least where he is from." *Rosetta watches BJ from the kitchen.* "I feel sorry for the little guy. He dosent even relize whats going on." *Rosetta frowns.* "How are you holding up?

~*~At TJY~*~

*Katie nods at Susanne* "Morning."
*Katie smiles at Reese.* "Hey. Ya I am. There is still some stuff I need to get for my room but other than that its good." *Katie follows Reese back out into the main room, and to the cubicle. Grabing a peace of paper Katie starts writing down what Reese wants her to do. Than taken a bit by saprise at her being Con contact Katie nods obeadently.* " Ya peace of cake." *Katie sits down at the desk and flicks the computer on. Than looks back at Reese.* " I guess I am gonna need some sapplys too. Guess I should head over and get some than get started. Thx Reese." *Katie stands again and heads to the sapply room. Entering she grabs on pens, markers, paper, folders, paper clips, and push pins. Balancing everything Katie makes her way back to her desk to start her work.*

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