

Wyatt just sits back and cocks his head, enjoying giving Katie the upper hand. He laughs and shakes his head. "Nope - I like seeing you win." He finally takes his feet off the table and leans forward to grab his water bottle, finishing it off. "Well, to tell you the truth, if you want someone to help you get a car, the very best person is Scott." He grins. "He may own a bomber himself, but I tell ya - he knows a thing or two about engines, even more than I do."
The clock on the wall changes to one o'clock and Wyatt sighs. "I gotta go help Hal at his downtown office." He gets up and heads to the door, but stops and pivots back around. "After supper tonight I'm walking Trooper down to the park to let him run for a while. Want me to swing by Laura's?"

"Hey Wyatt, Hero in there?" Susanne calls down the hall, interrupting them.

Wyatt almost rolls his eyes, giving a little sigh, laced with humor. "Yeah."

Susanne comes with a phone message in her hand. "Just got a call. There was a robbery over in Jackson and the cops caught one guy who's pleading innocent. The town sheriff has a bad reputation around there, and he's holding this guy as guilty, not even bothering to go out and bring the other culprits in. Sounds like one of his deputies roughed up the guy pretty good too. It was a civilian who called Gary, who just called Reese. We don't have anybody else on call right now - can you two swing down there and snoop around? Reese said not to do anything more than visit the guy and get a grip on what's happening, then report back."

Wyatt grins, knowing Katie will jump at the chance. "You bet. As long as you call Hal and let him know I won't be there today."


Wyatt fishes his keys out of his pocket and looks to Katie. "Take us about an hour. You ready, mighty sidekick?"

Mick smiles at Rosetta, and resumes Beauty's grooming. "Eh, she'll be fine. I got her going pretty well before I sent her here, so she's had a rider on her. It won't take much to get her back in the routine after not having been handled much in a while." He concentrates on a tangle in Beauty's mane, though a flashback from last night's nightmare comes rushing back. Sighing, he shakes his head, too exhausted from the torment to continue keeping it hidden, and deciding just to blurt it out. "Rosetta, if you were having nightmares about heaven and hell, what would you think?"

Clint yell back at Wes to let him know he's got everything under control. After tinkering a while longer, he decides to take a break, and cleans up before wandering outside. Looking around, he heads to one of Wendy's favorite spots, finding her near the pond. He approaches quietly, knowing she's concentrating on her painting. "Hey..."

Jason is just heading to his bunk, when Jade runs up behind him. "Get ready, we're going for that picnic today." She tries to catch her breath.

Jason stops and looks down at her in surprise. "...Okay?"

"It's supposed to rain tomorrow." Jade giggles. "And I'm not going to postpone again. So get yourself ready and I'll go get the food. You okay walking a ways?"


"Good. Meet you back here in ten minutes."

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