
A new face

Mick doesn't look Rosetta in the eye as she talks, though her words are convicting for some reason. He ponders them a few minutes before speaking again. "But if God loves people so much, why are there so many rules and all that? I see Sparky, and....well you too, and it's like you're tied down or something." He shrugs. "Does someone really have to go through Jesus and all that to get to Heaven?"

Clint grin and slings an arm around Wendy's shoulders. "Well, I'm not done for the day, but I needed a break. Wes is gone for a bit, so I gotta close up later." He steers Wendy back to where she was painting. "Mm...I like this one... you do such a good job."
He laughs at her suggestion of painting him. "Ha! I'm sure you'd portray it perfectly, but we don't want to scare anyone away."

The drive to Jackson is a pleasant one, and the radio fills up most of the quietness on the way down. Once arriving, Wyatt finds his way around the small town streets until he spots the police department. It fits the town's size as not very large, with few police cars around it. "Well...let's go in and take a look around. We can say we're here to visit...." He pulls out a piece of paper Susanne had given him. "...Ty Baker. Just play it cool I guess and once we see what kind of shape he's in, we can leave and call Reese before doing anything else. I wanna see the sheriff myself to see if the rumors about his attitude are true."

Wyatt exits his jeep and hops up on the curb, waiting just a moment for Katie. "If they ask, we're Ty's friends. They don't need to know anything else."

Once inside, a deputy looks up from his desk, seeming a little disgusted by their intrusion on the paperwork he's doing. "Yeah?"

Wyatt grits his teeth at the cool reception, and pulls an attitude of his own. "We wanna see Ty...now would be good."

The deputy eyes them suspiciously. "If you're part of his little gang, you can just turn right around and high tail it out of here before you get put behind bars too."

Wyatt leans over onto the man's desk, looking him in the eye. "We're friends of Ty's, and it stops there. So please...just point us in the right direction so we can get out of your neatly combed hair."

Despite a glare, the deputy backs down and nods to a door. "Just go through there. He's in the back cell. Only one there. Try anything and I'll lock the door behind you."

"Thank you." Wyatt straightens and motions for Katie to follow him. They go into the back and follow the short row of cells to the back.

A man looking to maybe be in his early twenties is lying on a cot, staring up at the ceiling. Hearing someone approach, he turns and sits up, swinging his legs around. A black eye accents his face, along with several other cuts and a swollen lip. His dark hair is matted, and his eyes linger on Wyatt and Katie with a piercing stare. He stands up, folding his arms across his chest in a defiant stance, though his attitude doesn't seem to match a more timid look behind the mask. But something about him jumps out as familiar. The way he stands...the way he holds his head. Wyatt doesn't appear to sense the strange feeling in the air.

Ty just stares at them. "Who're you?"

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