
The future

Ty eyes Katie with suspicion and distrust. “I want you to bug off if you’re not here for anything but to gawk.”

Wyatt quirks an eyebrow. “Cop an attitude and we walk away. We’re here to help you.”

Ty scoffs and makes his way across the cell, reaching for the bars to lean against them casually. “I bet. What are you gonna do? Call the sheriff?”

Wyatt glances at Katie, showing his annoyance, then looks back at Ty. “Have you called anyone?”

“Ha!” Ty’s mouth creases into a smile, though his expression is angry. “I’m lucky I got a cot to sit on.”

“They didn’t allow you a call? Offer a lawyer?”

Ty cocks his head, studying both his visitors. “You don’t get it, do you? I’m in here to be an example, plain and simple. I get nothing but a free ride to the county ‘correctional facility’ where I’ll be behind bars for a good couple years – that is, if Sheriff Drierson has his way.”

Wyatt’s eyes widen. “When are they moving you?”

“Tomorrow. Seven in the morning.” Ty shakes his head. “Look – if you came here on a social call, I don’t know what you expected. What’s your angle?”

“No angle.” The wheels in Wyatt’s mind begin to work. He looks Ty in the eye. “Did you help out with that robbery?”

Ty stares right back at him, his honesty evident, despite his attitude. “No.”

Wyatt pulls Katie aside to where Ty can’t hear them, and keeps his tone low. “Reese didn’t want us making any moves, but if they’re going to take Ty tomorrow, we’ll never get him out of here, and I think he’s telling the truth.” He glances towards the closed door. “Apparently the sheriff isn’t here – the deputy is all we gotta worry about, and unless I’ve lost my touch, I’d say he’s just corrupt enough that we might be able to bribe our way out of here.” He pauses, thinking through what’s going to happen. “Tell you what…call Reese and tell him what’s happened… no… just talk to Susanne – Dad will talk too long. Be brief, then tell Ty that we’re getting him out of here. I’ll work on Mr. Smarty at the front desk.”

Mick pauses Beauty’s grooming to pick out the hair from the brush. He furrows his brow, sucked into the subject like never before as he searches for answers, but still fights against Rosetta’s words. “Well what about this whole Jesus thing? I mean…” He pauses, not liking how his questions were coming out. He’d asked these kinds of questions once a long time ago…Jill had discussed some things with him – she’d been a churchgoer, and Sparky had tried telling him these things. But…he still didn’t understand. He still didn’t trust it. “I’ve heard the whole thing about accepting Jesus..is that true that you have to do that? Why can’t you just say okay and follow God’s rules and that’s it? What’s with accepting Jesus, and how do you do that anyway?”

Clint shakes his head and releases Wendy from his grasp. “No…not yet.” He sighs. “I just haven’t had a good time to talk to him about it. I don’t know if he could use continued full-time help or not. If not, I’m gonna have to go look for another job. I can’t just be here without helping out financially…it’s not fair to the others, like Eric…he’s dispersing his whole paycheck every week just to help keep this place going with everyone here. I don’t want to just sit back and do nothing. Even Dad’s started doing some work through the internet to gain some income.” Clint pauses in thought. “Ever think about what’s going to happen when this thing is over?”

The warm breeze blows softly, rustling the treetops, and providing a peaceful atmosphere for the little picnic. Conversation is kept light between Jason and Jade as they begin their relaxed meal in the soft grass of the clearing.

“So…what are you plans for the future? Where do you see yourself in ten years?”

Jason leans back in the grass on an elbow as he chews his sandwich thoughtfully. The question seemed a random one, but he supposed that it was a subject that simply had gone overlooked before. Neither one of them had spoken much of the future, other than getting through the case against the Agency. “I guess I see myself at TJY.”

“Really?” Jades tone implies slight disbelief. “You like that kind of work that much?”

“It’s in my blood.” Jason shrugs. “It’s what I’ve been trained for…what I’m good at. I like helping other people by working for the corporation.”

Jade sits back, thinking hard. His answer probably shouldn’t have surprised her, but it did. “You don’t think it’s hard on your family and friends?”

Jason stops for a moment, wondering what her point is. “I know it is…but it’s something I feel strongly enough about, that my family and friends just have to adjust and understand. There will always be a need for people like me, and I can’t deny the duty I feel. I care about my friends and family, but like my mom, they just have to trust that I’ll be all right.” He takes a swig of iced tea and looks at Jade with curiosity. “What about you? What’s your future look like?”

Jades’ face reddens slightly, though she easily switches gears to talk about herself. It was a subject she often dreamed about, even if she didn’t speak of it. “Oh…I guess I want to find the love of my life…settle down in a little house out in the country somewhere…marry a man who I know will always be there…someone to spend my evening with…someone whose job doesn’t take him far away, so our kids can grow up with a normal, healthy family life…” She giggles. “I guess that’s a fairytale version.” Her smile grows thoughtful as she thinks about her dream. “It’s what I really want though, I guess. Maybe some would say it’s just romantic ideas, but I’ve seen it happen, and I know if I want it bad enough, I’ll find it.” She looks up at Jason, her eyes suddenly full of hope.

Jason finishes his sandwich, a strange awkwardness settling over the scene. He wasn’t quite sure how to react. Jade’s admittance of her own ideas for the future had caught him off guard.
Jade senses the tension as well, and busies herself with putting away the picnic articles. This conversation had not been planned.

Jason swallows hard as he mulls over what she’d just said, and questions build in his mind that had been buried up until this point…questions to which the answers may not be wanted…and if truth be known, questions that had been purposely avoided. He finally reaches out to take Jade’s hand, forcing her to cease her busy work. “So…that’s what you really want, huh?”

Jade looks down, letting his thumb run through her palm. “Yeah.”

Jason thinks about his life…his involvement with TJY, and his own future. Suddenly his life and Jade’s life appear as opposite as black and white. For someone with a job like his, the daily circumstances were always uncertain. Living in one place and settling down was something he could never promise. Having kids was not something he thought wise for someone in his position, with the danger that he faced and the unpredictable outcomes. And for someone like Jade…someone like her with picture-perfect dreams…would she really be happy with someone like him? The answer was as clear as day, though it remained unwanted.

He forces a weak laugh. “I guess there’s no changing that dream, is there…?”

Jade frowns, instinctively knowing and dreading what’s coming next. She hadn’t wanted her question to spawn this conversation…all she’d wanted was to enjoy the afternoon. But they were here now, and couldn’t avoid it. “No. …And you?” Her words are laced with lingering hope. “You’ll always want to live the life of adrenaline and danger?”

Jason meets her eye with a new form of sorrow. “I can’t change who I am.”

Jade withdraws her hand, unsure what to say as she places the napkins into the picnic basket. A quiet scoff surfaces. “I should have known better, Jason…”

Jason sits up, his heart sinking. After a moment, he voices what they’re both thinking. “It’s not going to work, is it?”

She turns to him, pursing her lips in solemn thought. “I don’t think either of us are willing to change our dreams, and if that’s true…do we really have something that would last?” She shakes her head. “You know as well as I do that ever since the winter social, this whole thing has been just surface feelings. We want it to work…we want to be together…and we do like each other…care for each other, but… is there really any depth?”

Jason has a hard time forming any words. In his heart, he knew she was right, but it still hurt. “I’m sorry, Jade.”

She gives him a little smile, despite the tears behind her eyes. “It’s not your fault. The first time I saw you, I felt something I’d never felt before, and I knew it was worth a try. But sometimes things just don’t work out like we hope.”

Jason looks down, a strange mixture of feelings hitting him. He was sad, yet at the same time, not as sad as he would have thought, perhaps proving what they both knew. “You’re going to make an awfully fine catch for that man of your dreams,” he says softly. “I’m just sorry that I can’t be him.”

Jade reaches over to put a hand on Jason’s face, a tear trickling down her cheek, despite her smile. “There’s a corner of my heart that has grown to love you in a short amount of time, and I’ll never forget that. I have no regrets, and neither should you. I don’t want to let you go, but it’s better to stop now before things go far enough that it will hurt even more.” She pauses for just a moment. “There’s a woman out there somewhere who’s made for you…who has dreams that are so close to yours that when you reach this same point, there won’t be any doubt… You’re a good man, Jason…and you deserve the best.”

Jason takes her hand, swallowing his emotions and sighing deeply. “I hope we can still be friends.”

“Of course.” Jade squeezes his hand.

The walk back to the ranch is slow and quiet, neither speaking much as they stroll hand-in-hand. As they arrive, they turn to each other once more. Jason leans down, giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead. “Thank you, Jade. For everything.”

She smiles up at him, graciously accepting the circumstances. “I’ll see you later, Hotshot.”

A small grin can’t be helped, and he backs away, finally turning to go to his own bunk.

Jade trudges to the mess hall to return the picnic leftovers to the kitchen. As she unpacks items into the refrigerator, she holds back her tears. They had made the right choice, she was certain. But no matter how right, the pain would linger for just a little while.

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