
In our favor

*Katie thinks for a long moment remembering when she was in TY postions herself.* "Wyatt...this might help, I have been in TY's postions, some day I will tell you the story but not now. Anyways, they dident offer him a lawyer. That in its self is a crim and they cant hold TY cuz of it. If we can get TY to coroperate with us, we can use the no lawyer to our addvantage." *Katie eyes Wyatt showing her is nervouse.* " I just dont want to get in trouble for going aganst your dad. But I trust you as much as him. I'll call Susane now." *Katie goes to the other side of the room calling Susane. Katie fills Susane in brefly and tells her to let Reese know. If he has any problems to call Wyatt or her cell.*

~*~ Back at the Ranch~*~

*Rosetta smiles at Mick. She is happy for his questions. Its nice to shair with him. She only hopes its coming out how God wants it too.* " Well thats the easy part. All you have to do is have someone pray with you and lift your life to God. You have to tell him your sorry for the bad stuff you did. God is our father, and is sad when we disobay. Just like you would be when Dylan or Jade did as kids. As we accept Jesus into us so that way its kind of like a mark he puts on us. He washes us clean and we change. We still are ourself but we have a new glow about us. Our life seems to look so much brighter than it does now. We alow God to open our eyes." * Rosetta holds her smile at Mick. Searching his eyes.*

*Wendy nods.* " Ya I have. As sad as it sounds I dont really like thinking about it." *Wendy stairs across the pond.* "When this is over everyone is going to go there own way and its going to seem so lonly and quiet. I've goten use to having all you guys around. She wont say anything but I know mom is geting older too. And when she gets married I dont know if she is going to continue here eather. I know its selfish...but...I wish you all could stay forever." *Wendy lets out alittle laugh.* "Have you done any thinking about it?"

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