
Heaven or Hell?

*Katie laughs* "Ya only if Trooper dosent slobber all over me like last time." *Walking tword the Door Katie hears Susanne call. Looking a Wyatt a smile crosses her face. Throwing on her sun glasses and folding her arms under her chest she gives alittle lean back.* " Ready, Willing, and Able oh great defender." *Katie cant help but bust out laughing as they head out. They maybe small cases Katie was helping with but she loved everytime Reese wanted to help. She was moving up and she loved it."

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*Rosetta is not saprised by Mick's question. Picking up another brush Rosetta starts to groom Beauty's other side.* "Well...I would say my constince was trying to tell me something. Maybe you feel badly about something you know you should do. The topic of heaven and hell could be heavy on you mind after talking to someone about it. Your dreams might be perseving the battle your fighting inside to know what is right. Sometimes with us being human we dont like to make a desition untell we workd through the outcome of both to know what will happen, But when it comes to heaven and hell that will never come. We never will know what will happen. Well, we know when we die if we go to heaven than thats wonderful and if we go to hell thats bad and you will be in pain forever. But it sounds like your brain is trying to go deeper and you just cant." *Rosetta stops for a moment to collect her thoughts wondering if she is even making sence.*
"We just have to trust God that he knows what he is doing. That went we turn our life over to him he wont let us down. Ya bad things happen and we are GOD why..why did you let this happen if you love us so. The reson he let it happen is so when we passon we have something to look forword to. If we were happy and content here on earth we would never want to leave." *Rosetta smiles at Mick.* "As for the good things in our lifes, God gave those to us along with the bad so we know than if we put all of our good stuff together that still would only be a small portion of the happyness we will have in heaven."

*After finishing a few brush strokes Wendy lays down her palit and brush. Turning she smiles up at Clint.* "Hey you. I thought Wes would never let you leave." *Wendy giggles.* "How was work today?" *Wendy streaches out her legs and works her fingers in and out trying to get them to uncramp for when she starts to paint again. Over the last few weeks Wendy has made painting one of her main hobbys. And of the ones she thought looked half way deacent she hung in the mess hall and if visters wanted to buy them they could. Wendy liked seeing the look on people's faces when they got her paints like they just got a master peace* "Ya know...sometime your going to have to let paint you while you working. I think it would come out pritty cool." *Standing Wendy walks over near Clint and smiles.*

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