
There's more...

Cindy feels Wes hand, and looks down, but doesn’t pull away. “Sure…that is…if you don’t mind.”

Jason sighs and leans back in his pillow, closing his eyes. “I’m sorry, Katie.” He looks back at her again, suddenly growing serious. “When I…when I was down in that basement…I got to thinking a lot.” He forces as dry laugh. “Took me hanging from a rafter to be still enough to think things through I guess. But I thought about things you’d said, and things Adam said…. There was just a whole lot that hit me at once. I thought about what you’d said about me, and what you say now fits with it. And I guess maybe you’re right….maybe I was a jerk. For so long…I was hiding who I really was…it was like I was just a made-up me…something I’d imagined so I wouldn’t be left vulnerable. But…” He looks her in the eye. “I think I’ve figured a few things out. I think I...”

“Well, Jason, I can’t explain it…” JT walks into the room, carrying a clipboard. “Your bloodstream shows no sign of poison at all…it’s just…gone.” He shakes his head. “I certainly can’t explain it medically, that’s for sure.” He sets his clipboard down at the foot of the bed. “Keep this up and I’m gonna let you go home here pretty soon.”

“That would be awfully nice.” Jason sighs. He throws Katie a look that conveys his annoyance for yet another interruption. He hadn’t been finished yet. “I may have been asleep for three weeks, but it still feels like I’ve been here forever.”

JT chuckles. “I’m not surprised at that. Just rest easy for a bit longer. I want to keep an eye on you for just a while. I’ll be back and we’ll talk about what you’ll need to do once you’re out of here.”

Jason watches him leave, then frowns good-naturedly. “If it wasn’t good news he interrupted me for, I’d be ticked. Oh well…I guess I was finished anyhow.”

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