

*Wes places his hand on Cindy's and smiles.* "It's ok. I'd rather people here for the people who need me. Would you like me to take you back to the ranch, after you say bye to Jason?"

*Katie smiles as Jason. As his question is asked she stops and thinks for a long moment. Now that she wasent angry and hurt many more her mind could think more clearly.* "I guess I wouldent say you looked down on me. I was angry and it came out all wrong, But yes you were kind of a jerk when you first came." *Katie looks down at her hands.* "Its felt like you thought you were better than me and I dident know how to do anything, But than we got to know eachother and that changes J. We both understood eachother, and relized why were how we were. We both went through so much it shaped us to be who we are., but than we both started changing as well. We started to be shaped into new people. And if that was me trying to change you. I am sorry J. I wasent trying to. I just wanted to help you cuz I new you were hurting. You could be that Jerk and I would still like you."

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