
Something is different

Cindy eases down in a chair in the cafeteria. She wants to immediately go back to Jason, but holds herself back, knowing he wouldn’t appreciate being smothered. She sips her coffee slowly, the weariness sinking deep.

Jason isn’t quite sure how to react to all the attention, and accepts it quietly until he’s alone with Katie again. He furrows his brow at her statement about everyone being happy. “I…guess I’m not sure why. I mean…sure, I’d call y’all friends, but… I don’t understand why everyone is so thrilled about this.”
He shakes his head. “Naw, I wouldn’t say I had any interesting dreams. It just felt like….like I’d slept real hard, then was on the verge of rolling out of bed, but couldn’t wake up enough to do it. Like…I knew when people were in here, and I could hear their voices and…and feel their presence.” He glances at Katie again, a slight heat rising to his face as he recalls her own presence, and he hopes she doesn’t notice. “And there were thoughts…thoughts about what had happened before you found me…” His eyes suddenly show a spark that had been absent since he first came to the ranch…something has changed.

Luke laughs and holds Angel’s hand tight. “I’m so glad Jason’s going to be okay…we don’t need a loss right now, and I couldn’t imagine what poor Cindy must have been going through these last few weeks.”

Clint cocks his head, still unsure about the whole thing, though he returns Wendy’s hug. “Ya really think God does things like this?”

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