

"Ah, maybe she wont raz you to much. I bet if she is smart she will know the fresh air is good for you as well. Than again maybe razzing you is just something fun to do."

Coming back around and just listing to the night sounds everything seemed so peaceful. It was hard to believe term oil could ever be layed to rest here. Everything just seemed to fit right, and run so smooth.

Feeling Sparky's hand rest against hers for a moment Faith can't her but curl her fingers just a little before releasing them again. Giving a little giggle she could feel her cheeks getting red already as there was a flutter in her stomach.

Starting to walk back twords the bunk house Faith slows her walking just a little. It felt strange to not want the walk to end. To feel like you had enough energy to walk around the ranch another 5 times and still not be tired. But all good things had to come to an end, and Faith wasn't even sure if she had worn out her welcome already.

"If you want, I come make you some dinner. I love to cook so I wouldn't mind. But if you would like your space and quiet time I could let you be as well. I know I have kind of been your shadow as of late."

Giving a hearty laugh Dalton nods understanding what Scott was saying. He was getting quite tired himself after working all day and night.

"Understandable. I'll see you back bright and early. It your turn to bring the jerky. I'll get another supply of MD!"

Giving a laugh as Kip slides down the latter Karla couldn't help the slight patter in her heart that seemed to be over looked for the last few days. Maybe it was just the excitement of everything but it still felt good to know she had someone to look forward to seeing.

As Kip invites her to come to there band practice and than join them for pizza Karla's face lights up. She hadnt eaten all day because of lack of food, so at the thought of pizza made her tummy growl.

"I'd like that..."

Giving a glance to Carol Karla smiles.

"..that is if your mom doesn't need me to clean tonight?!"

Pulling the car out of the parking lot and starting out down the road. Sapphire throws a glance to Gage. A bit of color was still on her face from the exchange they had, but there was a soft twinkle in her eyes that had not been there before. It almost felt as if she was standing a little bit taller now.

"Ohhhh...yeah I can talk to him for you. I don't see why he would have a problem with that as long as he cant find some time from work. He defiantly is better in the finding good cars than I am."

Quiet again for a little bit as they drive Sapphire makes a quick stop at a mail box to send out some things she had from work. Pulling away and starting down the road again she makes a comment to Gage.

"You know we never decied where we should eat. Have any favorites you would like to go to?"

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