
Gentle wave

Sparky quirks an eyebrow as he treads slowly across the ranch yard.
Yes! I would love that. I've enjoyed your company all day and really don't want to go back to my bunk alone. I feel like I haven't talked to you enough, like there's so much more yet to hear. You're fascinating as I listen to all the things I don't yet know about you, but I feel like I've known you for years at the same time. Who needs quiet time and space when they've got someone like you around?
He shakes his head, a wry grin sneaking onto his lips. "Sure. I don't have much of an appetite, so don't take offense if I don't eat much but... your company is more than welcome. I just hope you don't get sick too."

Wandering towards the bunkhouse, a few people going to supper greet him, happy that he's on the mend. He makes light of the topic, not liking the attention, or thinking about how sick he'd been. Making it back to his porch, his walk is weary as the short excursion has made him quite tired. He tries his best not to let it show though, and holds the door open for Faith. "Since the sun is setting behind us, shadows must go first."

Carol could see the spark in the young woman's eyes and knew there was much more here than someone just wanting some extra cash. Kip had always been sensitive to others who were in need, and it was now proven again. And Carol's heart was big enough to let someone else in.

Shaking her head with a smile, she answers Karla. "You don't have to do a thing tonight, other than have fun with the others. If you want the job, you can start as early as tomorrow."

Kip's grin widens and he glances to Carol. "Don't forget to tell her about the food too."

Carol gives him a sidelong glance, question passing through her eyes. "The...?"

"You know." Kip nods. "Since she'll be working here."

"Oh...oh! Yes... of course." Carol blinks before turning back to Karla, having finally gotten Kips hint and agreeing. "When we go back to the study, we'll go by the kitchen and I'll show you the one refrigerator where we keep leftovers and basically food that's just on hand for things other than our main meals." She laughs. "It's the one Erik and Kip raid all the time. But basically you can help yourself any time. If you forget your lunch or anything, that fridge is always open, so don't be shy."

Kip lifts his eyebrows several times, lowering his voice to a whisper. "We keep the ice cream in that freezer too."

Carol rolls her eyes in amusement. "So yes... if you think you'd like to take the job, we can go start on the paperwork."

Gage shrugs then shakes his head. "I really don't have a preference tonight. You pick."

Though perhaps things had grown between Gage and Sapphire, now that they had both expressed a liking for each other, their interaction didn't seem to change much. Conversation was still enjoyed, and quiet moments were too. Gage found himself at ease like always, just a little surprised that his boldness earlier had not led to more awkwardness. But it hadn't... it was just like they always were but... better... warmer. But not embarrassed or awkward. It was something new... but not scary. Unknown... but not feared. And when he looked into Sapphire's eyes, nothing was different. She was the same... he was the same. Maybe things were even easier now that they knew they both felt the same way. All in all, Gage liked it. Maybe he was getting closer to the life he wanted after all.

For some, the night comes and goes like a gentle wave, crashing upon the shore then slipping away, lost to time but not forgotten.

Laura pulls into a gas station, needing to fill the car before traveling out of town. But before getting out, she takes her cell phone and dials, waiting for Nate to answer. They'd been able to see each other only for a couple minutes this morning, and it just wasn't enough.

"Hey, it's me... just wanted to let you know I'm on the road. There's some rain predicted, but it shouldn't get much worse than that by the time I get to Dan and Paula's. Do you want me to call you again when I get there?"

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