

Sparky finds a spot at the foot of the bed, after shedding his boots, to sit. It was unusual for him to settle down cross-legged, but tonight it just felt comfortable and it was a good vantage point to watch Faith as she prepared supper. Smelling the spaghetti sauce made him wonder if perhaps he was just a little hungrier than he'd thought.

"You know..." His eyebrows rise as he thinks. "I don't know if I remember a time when someone has cooked just for me... let alone twice in the same day. You better be careful or I'm liable to get used to it."

"So... Mom said yes." Jade picks at her supper. It was quiet at their table tonight... Clint and Wendy were spending time at home, Rosetta and BJ were at their house, Luke wasn't able to get around today so Angel was home cooking for the two of them... with those gone, it really put a dent in the socializing.

Jade looks across the table at Dan, sighing. "I guess she finally figured it was better to let Dad have a go with Dylan instead of still trying to do it herself. I know Grandma won't be happy but... she's not happy about a lot of things. I'm just... I don't know... I love my brother, and I was so worried about him, and I just feel terrible about all the stuff he's gotten into, but... having him here... I don't know what to think of that. Am I a terrible sister for feeling like that?"

Kip rolls his eyes and take the book he has to lightly bop Karla over the head. "If I would have minded, I wouldn't have asked! I ask because I want you along, not because I'm so bored I just need to drag someone along."

"If you're ever bored," Carol intervenes, "you realize you've got plenty to cure that."

"Oh yes." Kip nods vigorously. "But today is my day off." He throws Karla a wink. "So I don't have to go out and scrape paint off the tool shed. I can sit in here and read a book instead."

"You do that, and pick a chair this time." Carol shakes her head in amusement before turning back to Karla. "You can come with me and we'll figure out the logistics then you can wander back here to find him before you two run off to Theo's."

"Oh, Hon, that's wonderful!"

"Is it?"

Laura recalls her earlier conversation with Paula. She sits on the guest room bed in the corner with her knees tucked up close and her head resting against the wall. She'd been at the farm all day now, and it had been short and long at the same time. After calling Nate, she'd hemhawed around for about fifteen minutes, and Paula had needed no more time than that to inquire as to what was wrong. A session over a cup of tea had ensued.

"We wanted a family... I think... maybe... just not this soon."

Laura sighs. She was done crying. Crying wouldn't do any good, and it wasn't going to change anything. He mind wanders to Nate. She loved him so much. And thinking about them having a family together did have an appeal. It really was something special. It was the blessing that Laura knew was there, but it was hard to accept anyway.

"But everything is going to change."

"Yes." Paula nodded without hesitation. "It is."

Laura blinked at Paula's lack of reassurance. "But... but I don't want it to."

Paula smiled and reached across the little kitchen table to put a hand to Laura's face. Pride shone in her eyes. "If God waited until you felt a hundred percent ready, would you ever?"

Laura's eyes fell and her cheeks grew warm. With her... probably not. Change was not on her list of things she liked, no matter how big or small.

She stretches a leg out and reaches over to the nightstand where she had set a little teddy bear. She couldn't remember the exact time Nate had given it to her, but she'd packed it before coming here. It wasn't as good as his hug, but it made her feel warm inside as she cuddles it close to put her face down into its fur.

"You're right that everything will change," Paula confirmed. "Laura Gibbs ended when you married Nate. Now Laura Driers the wife is ending and becoming Laura Driers the wife and mother."

"All our plans though... they're all gone."

"Yep. I know you had a couple trips planned and those will have to be set aside. Your career will change. Your relationship with every single person you know will change. With your brother, with your husband, with me, with your friends, with your coworkers. It will be different."

Laura smirked a little and looked down into her cup of tea. "Why can't you tell me I was wrong?"

She had wished she were wrong. There was just so much to think about. Another sigh comes and she lifts her head to look out the window. Just because she hadn't wanted to tell Nate yet didn't mean she didn't miss him.

"Because you're not." Paula chuckled. "Your freedom is gone and you know it. You're not stupid. I had a friend who thought having her first child would change nothing. It was quite a reality check once that baby was born. Her freedom was gone, she couldn't spend time with her friends like she had, and she started to miss the alone time with her husband, too. It was a hard lesson for her, but by the time number two showed up, she'd become a great mom."

She cocked her head and looked at Laura lovingly. "I know you didn't want these changes. I know you want your daily living to stay the same. And I know you didn't want to quit your job. But you know what?" She smiled. "Those things that you are losing won't leave empty holes. Yes... things between you and Nate will change, but you'll have something even greater to bring you closer together. Yes... things will change between you and your friends - your good friends. But you'll still be friends. Yes... things between you and your brother will change, but you'll always be brother and sister. Yes... your job will have to be set aside, but in five or six years, who's to say you can't go back to police work?"

"That's a long time."

"Yes it is. And in the meantime you might get another surprise that will make it even longer. But you can't focus on your losses, Laura. I know it's scary. And I know on a certain level, you're probably disappointed that things have to change now. But God can move mountains and part the sea... He can bring joy to your life too, no matter what changes take place."

No matter what changes. Laura sits up a little straighter and stares down at the teddy bear. She was a conqueror. She always had been. Even if things threw her for a loop and she crumbled in the beginning, in the end, she was a conqueror. She knew that's part of what Nate loved about her. She needed him to keep her safe, yet if he were gone, she would survive.

She thinks about what her job was like when she was out in the field with TJY. There was nothing she wouldn't face. There was nothing she couldn't overcome. She was the tough chick that even Hotshot himself admired. No one knew about her tears at home or when she'd run to Con to fall to pieces behind closed doors.

This really was no different. She'd had her little crying session and had faced the shock. Aunt Paula had helped her think things through and though finding that she hadn't been wrong about all the changes that would happen, she'd been reassured that it wasn't the end. Some things would end, yes. But Laura herself had not ended. This was just a new hurdle to be conquered and with God's help, she could do it.

"What about raising a child and... and making sure it knows God? I mean... wow."

Paula chuckled again. "You're right. It is a 'wow' job. But are you a strong Christian?"

"I try to be."

"Is Nate?"

"Oh, yes."

"With two strong Christian parents, that child will receive all of the instruction it could ever need. And that's the most you can do. The rest is up to God - just like everything else. And when you get scared that your child will take the wrong path, you pray and pray hard. You put your faith in God then pray some more."

Pray. Laura knows that all her strength was in God. Nate was her strong tower when she needed shelter, but when more than a hug was needed, it was always God that saw her through. He would see her through this too. Yes... things would change, and in a very very big way. But there was a flip side. There were things to look forward to and... it was a new adventure.

For the first time since finding out the news, a smile breaks Laura's lips. A flutter goes through her stomach at the thought of telling Nate. She would be excited... for both of them. She would be positive for their family's sake. And slowly, she would conquer this. Now... how on earth would she tell Nate?

Getting up from the bed in a hurry, Laura trots down the hall to the kitchen. "Paula? Can we go do our shopping tonight before Nate and Maggie come in the morning?"

The little teddy bear remains on the bed, recovering from being squeezed. Many things would need to be sacrificed... but God would help all recover... and blessings would follow.

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