

Nate's question brings Laura's head up to look him in the eye. Glancing to the kitchen and knowing Maggie was still at the table, she sits up then scoots over, straddling Nate's lap to face him. Cocking her head, she puts her lips to his, offering a slow kiss as her hands move up to rake her fingers through his hair.

Drawing back, her eyes lock with his once more. "Of course I know you love me," she whispers. "And I love you too... with all my heart."

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she nuzzles into him for a cuddling hug. "It's just been a long day," she mumbles into him. "I'm sorry if I'm a grouch. I think I'm going to go take a hot bath before bed."

Sparky accepts his boots and socks and throws Faith a withering look, though his eyes held a teasing glint. "The day I can't find my way around here is the day they need to call the loony bin to come pick me up."

He leans down to don his socks, then pauses. "Of course... most days its a struggle just to get this old head on straight."

Finally finished, he stands up, heaving a sigh. "Okay... let's see what the great outdoors is like today." Finding one of his jackets, he also slaps his worn cowboy hat on his head. Opening the door, he takes a deep breath. The evening air was a little chillier than he'd expected. Even during winter months, it really didn't get all that cold this far south, but after being in a toasty room for the last few days, it did feel cold outside.

Stepping out on the porch though, he's hit with a wave of dizziness. The closest thing to hang onto is Faith's shoulder as he closes his eyes for a moment. "Mmm... sorry..." He blinks and shakes his head a little. "Maybe my head isn't on as straight as I thought it was."

Coughing again, he waits for that to pass and finally goes slowly down the steps. Taking it easy, he tucks his hands in his pockets and wanders to the perimeter of the ranch, forcing himself not to go to the barn. Once they're close to the dining hall though, he stops and turns to Faith. "I think I'll be okay now... you don't have to stick with me just 'cause you think you have to or anything." Though he really did enjoy the company, he didn't want to burden her unnecessarily... even if what he thought she might have said earlier was true. "I'm sure you'll want to spend time with some of the others here at supper. I'll probably head back to my bunk though and spare the others my germs that I'm coughing all over the place."

Scott look sat his computer screen with satisfaction, then glances to Dalton's as well, finding that they both were going at about the same pace. It was getting late... after dark and way after hours. But with enough Mountain Dew and classical music, neither men wanted to call it quits yet.

"What ever did TJY do without us?" he teases. Leaning back in his chair, he picks up all the pages that had been printed out for Gunner. "Okay, so far we've got surface information... a few doctor's names... some of the nurses... and we do have a layout of the Crescentview's building. I think what would be really good is if we can lay eyes on a schedule... when security switches over... when they lock up for the night... that sort of thing. And.... if we can tap into their computers and find out what places they use for utility services, maybe that could be an in for Gunner... pretty basic, but the 'tv repair guy' routine still works on occasion."

Gunner paces... again. He couldn't sit still. He was wearing a path in the living room carpet, the same as JT was wearing one in the kitchen as he spent hours on the phone. Eventually, JT hangs up and comes into the living room, flopping down in his chair. "It's money," he confirms. "Bree's parents needed her out of the way to get their hands on an inheritance that rightly belongs to Bree."

Gunner stops pacing and quirks an eyebrow. "And she didn't know about it?"

"Not that I know of. But that's why this whole thing worked so smoothly. And now... I don't know. My lawyer worked all day and got nowhere. He said down every path is a dead end. Everywhere he turns, there's some legal blockade."

"This couldn't have been set up overnight."

"No... no, it's obviously a web of legal maneuvers set up over a span of time. My sister and her husband know what they're doing, unfortunately."

"So, now what?"

"I don't know. While we might have found a motive, it can't be easily proven, especially if they've got everyone convinced that Bree is legitimately insane. They could say it was just a coincidence about the money." JT pauses. "You get anywhere on Crescentview?"

"No... nothing. Their security is too tight for me to get through so... I got a couple recruits and they're helping me out." Gunner sits down slowly on the couch. Not only was he worried, but he missed Bree something awful. Days had passed.... he wasn't used to not seeing her in a day, let alone several in a row. It just felt... lonely. "You know if we find the right information, it's going to be up to us and not your lawyer."

"Whoa whoa..." JT holds up his hand. "Stop right there. What do you mean by 'recruits?'"

Gunner's eyebrows rise. "I mean a couple friends at work. Computer guys. They can get places I can't."

JT lets out a long sigh. "Gunner... when I said I wanted you to find information, I may have not minded if Reese didn't know you were spending time on it, but in no way did I want anything illegal to be done."

Gunner can feel his defenses rising. "Well, how else am I supposed to find the information we need?! I tried calling people and trying to get what I needed, but they're so tightly shut that I couldn't even figure out what internet provider they have! I got nothing without breaking into their system."

JT gives a little groan. "There are people out there, Gunner! You just have to find them."

"Well, I can't! Not in the amount of time we have! Getting into their system is the only way, and that will get us everything! I thought that's what you wanted."

"Of course I want their information! But we have to keep this legal, don't you understand? I wanted you to sniff around, not break through security! Any information I can get to my lawyer has got to be clean - otherwise he can't use it because he'll be at risk."

Gunner frowns, his temper bubbling again. "What does he care about schedules and electric companies?"

"If he knows names and he can find out who to call and who'd be most willing to listen, that's a plus. If he can find out if they're late paying their water bill, that's a plus. If he can find out when they need maintenance so he can have someone sniff around, that's a plus. But at least it will be him, and not us! Lawyers are here for a reason! We can't just go in the dead of night and steal Bree away!"

"Why not?"

JT eyes Gunner, realizing that his friend was serious. "Because if we get caught, we're at fault and we'll never get her out of there. We have to let the lawyer take the evidence we get and use it. At least he'll be doing the rest legally."

"But we're already doing things illegal!"

"Apparently you are!" JT throws up his hands. "And it's dangerous! I'm sorry, Gunner, but you're going to have to go right back to staying above the law here. Tell your friends to back off and we'll be okay. You need to snoop here, not cheat."


"No!" JT shakes his head with emphasis. "I'm sorry if you thought I was okay with you crossing that line, but I'm not. If we don't keep this entire thing legal, we are sunk.

Gunner knew that what he'd implied to Dalton and Scot was different... and he was going to leave it that way. He did not trust this side of the legal system and if he had to figure out a plan himself, he would. Deciding not to argue any more though, he holds his tongue. Another day was gone and they needed to rest. He'd keep his own plan in the back of his mind. "Alright," he answers calmly. "We keep waiting."

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