
Strange feelings

Sparky chuckles and shakes his head. Adjusting his weight, he just watches Faith walk backward for a moment, admiring how her features reflected the soft moonlight and how her eyes sparkled. Finally he gives in and starts forward again, coughing just a little as he tries not to laugh more. "Well, I don't want to be accused of making you walk alone."

Catching up to her, he falls into step beside her once again. "Angel's gonna go check on me just to find me gone," he muses. "She'll probably give me a hard time, but this fresh air has felt good."

Passing a bush by one of the corrals, he reaches out to snap a dead twig off to keep his fingers busy. Eventually, small talk seems to run out, so silence falls upon the two, the only sound the soft crunching under their feet. They wind up a ways away from the ranch yard, circling back in a wide arc.

The twig in Sparky's hand had been whittled away by his fingers down to almost nothing, so he tosses it on the ground. As his hand swings back to his side, it brushes against Faith's own hand and for a moment, rests against her palm.

Feeling heat on the back of his neck, Sparky quickly slips his hand into his pocket, ignoring the strange feelings he'd been experiencing since the other day. "I guess they'll be starting supper now," he comments, implying that their walk was probably coming to an end. He was aimed toward his bunk though, still not intending to join the others.

"Dude, you are so good." Scott returns the high-five before leaning back and stretching. "I want to do more, but I'm afraid my brain isn't going to handle anymore tonight. Not to mention, if I don't get home, Domino's liable to take her frustration out on the carpet."

He smirks and stacks up some of his own printouts. "Reconvene tomorrow?"

Kip's grin stays on his face as he closes the book he'd been reading. "I'm doing alright. It was either read a book or play the guitar but seeing as though I left that at Theo's... the books got a turn."

Karla's comment that she'd hoped to see him seems to make his eyes smile just as little bit more. "I see you're getting the grand tour."

"She is," Carol confirms. "Seems she'll be able to find her way around here in no time if she decides to take the job."

"I hope she does." Kip proceeds to slide down the ladder instead of turning around and climbing.

Carol rolls her eyes. "One of these days you're going to land on your backside and I'm going to laugh."

Kip laughs. "You've been telling me that for years and it hasn't happened yet."

"There's a first time for everything."

Kip just grins and shakes his head, looking back to Karla. "If you don't have any plans after you're done, I gotta swing back over to Theo's to get my guitar, then later we're all gonna hang out for a bit of practice then pizza... you're more than welcome to join."

Gage's eyes glisten as he returns Sapphire's smile. He's a little surprised when she leans in again, not having expected that reaction. But his smile grows wider when her stomach interrupts them. He gives a light laugh and nods. He hadn't been hungry earlier, more upset than wanting food. But he was in a better mood now and figured he should at least try to eat something. "Okay. I just gotta get something on my feet."

Once he's got his shoes and socks on and has donned his denim jacket, he follows Sapphire outside to her car. Settling in the passenger seat and buckling in, Gage watches as she puts the car in gear and backs out of the parking space.

"Hey, Sapphire..." He pauses, studying the car for a few moments. "Your brother... knows a lot about cars, right? Do you... think he'd be willing to teach me how to drive... then help me find a car sometime? Sometime when I can afford it, I mean?"

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