
Ding Bat

Giving a wide smile Hope already new about what went on with Gunner, and Bree last night. Bree had come to her yesterday morning about Gunners items he had and if she could barrow them. It had taken her a little while to think about it, but coming down to the conclusion that Gunner reacted good to Bree it would be ok and it seemed like it had helped Gunner alot. She was poud of him and was happy Bree could get through.

"Your very welcome Gunner. You have come a long way in a short amount of time, I am so proud of you."

Giving a smile and shifting her eyes just a little bit to watch the people that move back and forth around the room keeping en eye on everyday Hope turns her eyes back to Gunner again.

"Oh I am sure you will have a few more of those outings. If I know Bree she always has something new up her sleeve."

Shaking her head and reaching over the table to give him a backhanded slap to the head Ryan looks back at her brother.

"You ding bat why didnt you say something sooner? I would of let you stay at my place instead of staying at a hotel than just like I would now. I was to doped up to realizes you were staying in a hotel to start with."

Shaking her head and grinning Ryan reachs out and takes the cards from her brother. It was nice having him around. Some of her other friends shopped by from time to time to check on her but Leo she hadnt seen in a while and in a way is made her sad. So having he brother there all the time was a nice detraction.

"The dr. said they hope tomorrow or the day after they are going to let me go. I cant wait!! Not being able to drive is killing me, sitting here all day is even worse."

Stopping at the sound of his brothers voice Wes squints in the rising sunlight. Seeing his puffy lip and the split he cant help but let out a grunt.

"Looks like you got hit by the same truck Mick did."

The confustion that was growing on Wes face must have shown brighter than a bulb as without even asking Sparky let him know what was going on. Letting out a long sigh Wes shakes his head giving a whisper.


Inside Wes' heart broke, he wish he had know and maybe talked with Mick a little longer. Thought he probably couldn't have said much maybe he brother could of used a friend.

"Nah, all he said to me was to take his extra car keys and check on Rosetta and BJ for him. Didnt knock any teeth loose in there did he?"

Wes new now was not the time for humor but he had to put in some kind or it just would be him.

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