

Looking to her brother as he joined the small group Ryan cant help the look of worry that pass over her face. Leo might be made at her and they might not be dating anymore but he still ment a great deal to Ryan and she was worried.

"You don't think he did anything stupid do you Eli? We know first had what Roth is capable of with no worry about getting caught."

Ryan hadent even noticed she moved a little closer to her brother and was holding his arm lightly as she might had when she was younger.

Dropping her hands from Eli's arm Ryan looks back at the others. She couldnt help the sicking feeling she felt in the bit of her stomach. Something was wrong she could feel it, but there was nothing she could do about it right now.

Her cheeks were horribly red but hearing Gunner's comment at least told her he was not going to high tail it out of there never to talk to her again. That made her feel a little better.

"Yeah, I'll pick up the half crustless Pizza, and tell Vamp to bring the blo...I mean soda."

Bree can't help her chuckle that escapes her lips.

"I'll see you guys in about an hour and a half."

Hanging up the phone Bree just sits on the edge of her bed for a moment blinking into the dimly lit room. She really couldnt believe she nearly just spilled her guts to her Uncle with Gunner sitting right there. Leting out a sigh and standing to gather her things together and take a shower a small smile forms in Bree's lips.

Listing to Jade talk Dan looks out across the back part of the ranch. Soft mooing from cows far away, joined in to the nicker of some horses that were left out for tonight in the field. The sound was soft and soothing mixed with Jade's voice it set the stage as Dan's mind wonders to the love he once had.

"Its not big but I though for now it would be ok!"

Dan leads a slender brown haired woman into a small old apartment. It wasnt the best place but it wasn't the worst ether. It had two bedroom, a bathroom, kitchen and a livingroom. For now it was just what they needed.

The slender woman rested a hand on her stomach that pushed out from her shirt proving there was more than just two people in this discussion, just one had yet to be born into this world, her other hand locked with Dan's.

"Its perfect Dan, as long as its a roof to keep us dry and a table to put our food. I am happy."

Smiling back at the woman Dan ran his hand along the side of her face pushing some hair behind her ear.

"Your perfect Becca, a diamond among rocks. You could do so much better and yet, you gave up your whole life for me."

"It was worth it Dan, love was worth it."

Light catches the courner of Dan's eye coming from around the corner at the main house where BJ and Rosetta were bring Dan back from his though he sit up a little to streach and than leans back again.

Though his mind had been far away remember a time long gone Dan had still caught everything Jade had said. Giving a little nod he turned to look at Jade once more. Her honesty was amazing, and her head in the right direction, even if some detours were made he couldn't say he hadn't had them ether.

"Thats not corny at all. It's strange how dreams can change over the years. To something new, or something only a little different from the original, and sometimes even dieing away completely."

Letting out a small sigh Dan new the last part well, he two once had a dream of life and love. It was all planned out, he was set and he was happy. But one stupid choose, one stupid mistake had changed all the forever sending the comfortable life he would have crashing down. A small wetness formed in Dan's eyes at the though. Trying to change the subject and push the memories away once more Dan gave a little smile.

"Hawaii huh? Now that sounds like a dream worth holding on to and not changing."

Backing up a little so Mick could enter the house. Rosetta was happy to see him but she still could shake the strange feeling she had. It was not something she was use to having around Mick, and it always felt awkward.

"I am glad your back."

Was all she could manage to say. Why was it hard to find the words she wanted, why didnt she just reach out and pull him into a hug. This was not like her when it came to Mick. But than when Mick's next words come Rosetta understood because deep down somewhere she new he still didnt understand a word she had said.

"Well, if your angry for that than your angry for nothing because I wasnt trying to give you a guilt trip at all. I was simply stating a fact that most people would agree with. Also I wasnt angry with you because you wanted to find Dylan, I was angry with you because you were leaving your responsibility here behind."

Letting out a long sigh and rubbing a hand over her face the lines under her eyes said she was stressed and more than likly had been crying alot. She felt so confused herself and the emotions she was had just seemed still but they were there and the worry layed behind her eyes.

"Staying here and trying to find Dylan is fine. Just dont forget you have another son too. The last few days he has been pushed aside when all he's wanted to do was spend time with you. He's starting to grow so fast that he is interested in everything Daddy does."

Going to the cabnit and pulling out to coffee mugs Rosetta feels them with water to start some tea. Keeping her back to Mick she works quietly for a moment before turning around.

"I think there are somethings we need to talk about. I'm not sure what, or even how to say everything but I just dont think this issue will be cleared up not will we be able to get past it unless we do. So we can eather do it now, or wait I'll leave that one up to you in case your tired."

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