

Taking her tea and sitting down across from Mick Rosetta sips it just letting him talk. She would listen, keep her feelings in check and than answer. Though it was hard she had to keep her own emotions in controlle and not let them fly. BJ was sleeping and the last think she wanted to do was wake him.

"Mick, did I answer you yesterday when you asked about BJ? No, I didn't so your assuming I would let you go than to when in fact I still would be upset if you did. There would be nothing we could do if BJ was missing ether. I would have told you the same thing I did yesterday that you place should be here and if they needed us, than they would contact us just like I did with Katie when she feeling like a daughter to me."

Letting out a sigh Rosetta looks down to the small ripples of her tea. This was so silly, she felt like a little lost kid all over again with many more responsibility on her shoulders. Why did have to be hard?

"Mick, I know I am not second best, and I know you love BJ and me both but I cant help having that feeling anyways. This one is not your problem its mine but its still there and it hit when you ran off. I felt like I wasnt good enough because you didnt even bother to come and talk to me first. You went off and got drunk out of your mind, than you snapped at BJ, and Me. I guess it was just a chain reaction."

Looking up at Mick again Rosetta kept her tears that wanted to come at bay. This was not the time, and though she felt so strange she felt so fradgle too.

"I guess sometimes when I think about it your my first for everything, but I am not your first. I can't give you kids, all the money I have goes into this ranch, I am rough and tumble looking, I just worry that I'm not good enough. Stupid to think that yes, but I just cant help it. I guess I always womdered why if I was good enough you never married me first?!"

Rosetta didnt know if she made sence, and she didnt know if Mick would understand or not. She hoped he would or at least ask some questions if he didnt so she could try and explain a little more.

Gotting out of the car and going over to Leo's an almost panic look cross her face. There was only one person who came to mind with damage like this. Opening the door and looking into the car Ryan looks for anything that might tell her where Leo was now but comes up empty handed.

Shaking her head and throwing a look of worry to her brother Ryan turns her eyes again to the ground looking at the many tire tracks but there was one set she was looking for. Finally finding it she follows it a little way noting it went twords the abandon buildings.


Ryan continues to follow them as she got closer and closer the sicking feeling in her stomach growing by every moment fearing the worse. Hearing some noises by one of the dumpsters Ryan turns her head quick not sure what the noise was.

Squinting just a little Ryan can make out a foot from the other side of the dumpster. Panic grasps her chest as she breaks out into a run.


Coming around the dumpster Ryan slids on the ground ignoring the pain that shot through her wrist as she landed on it funny.

"Leo, Leo...SOMEONE HELP."

Letting out a small sigh Dan pushs off the ground and movies to the bale of hay next to Jade just thinking for a moment.

"My dreams were put out a long time ago. Now I just to take it one day at a time and see what that brings me."

Leaning back and turning his head to see Jade a small smile forms on his face. His past was sad, depressing, and something he hated to talk about. He'd rather just stay off the topic for now. Dan had just formed his friendship with Jade he didnt want to end it so soon.

"I guess maybe I dream of one day winning the trust of your father."

Dan can't help the small chuckle that escaped his lips.

Not even bothering to knock on the front door Bree enters a pizza box and some soda in hand.

"All ashore thats coming ashore, get it while its hot or I am eating it all."

Setting the box down on the table along with the soda Bree opens the pizza up smiling at the side that to anyone else would look like a horrible mess up by the pizza shop. Turning to see her Uncle Bree's eyes twinkle as she gives an excited wave, walking over to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Backing up a little Bree pokes her head into the living and than the kitchen but not seeing Gunner she looks back to her uncle and raises her eyebrow.

"I really did scare Vamp off didn't I?"

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