
By some chanse

Feeling Jade lean on him and not expecting it Dan gives a small jump but recovers quickly. It felt strange to have someone leaning on him like this again but there was a warm softness that made him slip his arm around Jade and letting his hang over her shoulder.

"Nah, I'm sure he does. It just seems like he has a lot on his might right now. Maybe when things calm down you can ask him again if you can stay."

Leaning his head down for a moment Dan gives the soft sent of Jade's shampoo and feels her soft hair on the side of his face. A sudden and unexpected lump forming in his throat. Managing to swallow it Dan lifts his head closing his eyes for a moment letting the strange feeling he has pass. Than opening his eyes again he looks to the stars his voice coming out a soft whisper.

"And if by some bogus chanse he doesn't want you around than he's not as smart as I though he was."

Ryan rolls her eyes but was thankful Leo's sense of humor was still in tact. If anything with a little help that alone told her he would be ok. Looking at her brother Ryan nods not even hesitating.

"Yeah, he can come to my place thats fine. Come on lets get him up and some place warm."

Moving to Leo's one side Ryan gentily slings his one arm over her shoulder while she waits for someone to take the other side.

"Come on Leo lets get you some place warm and cleaned up."

Seeing Gunner come around the corner and into the livingroom Bree's eyes twinkle. She still felt strange about what she said earlier but if she didnt bring it up or act different things would be the same right?

"Hey Hey Vamp. We got normal pizza here..."

Bree rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"..Normal. And we have crustless on this side."

Bree moved her eyesbrows up and down making it clear she liked that side the best.

"So we got the food, we got the pizza now we need a game or a movie or something."

Looking up at Gunner Bree pats the coution on the coutch next to her signaling she would be sitting on the floor so if he wanted to take the place he could right between her and JT.

"You can sit here. I promise I wont bite, hard."

Listing to Mick's words Rosetta chocks on her own tears. Her mind listens and process everything he said carefuly to catch what he said and over come her own silly emotions. But as Mick continued to talk the tears fell from Rosetta's eyes as she couldn't controller them any longer.

Taking her hand from Mick's Rosetta reachs out and pulls him to her wrapping her arms around him. Burrying her face into his shoulder she is quiet for a moment as the tears continue to fall.

"I was so silly to have those feelings, and I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner Mick."

Finally letting go of him Rosetta looks Mick in the eye once again. She had, had all these fears and though they were still there they seemed to dull with Mick's words. He told her things, he never had before, and she new how he felt about her, the past and the present.

"I never new you felt all those things Mick, and I never new thats how you felt about me. I'm sorry if you didnt understand me before, and I'm sorry if I seemed like I didnt want you to care about Dylan because thats not what I was saying at all. I care about Dylan like he was my own son and I want to be a step mom to him, and Jade."

Looking down at Mick's hands for a moment Rosetta ran her thumb over his calluses and the rough area's on his hand. To her, they were soft, and they were the hands that protected her and there little family here.

"No matter how many times you slip, as long as you dont try to hurt us I will always be there for you. You dont have to go through it alone, no matter what I am here."

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