
Don't understand

Miles speaks before Eli can even answer Ryan. "Naw, Leo would never do a think like that... I mean, this is Leo we're talking about. He's not a coward but... since when have you seen him start a fight?"

"Trouble is," Eli reasons, "he didn't start this one."

"Tell you what." Ron takes control of the conversation. "If we still haven't heard anything in another hour when we're done with the work day, we'll look for him, alright? Maybe it's for nothing, but it might make us feel better. Okay?"

It's agreed, and work resumes, though no one really wants to admit how worried they are about their friend. Even Darrel comes in later, expressing his concern, and agreeing that someone should at least check out the desert area where the races were held.

At five, all the guys shut down a little faster than normal. Darrel is already gone, and Ron agrees to stay at the shop in case Leo shows up or calls. Jed opts to go check out a couple bars where Leo has hung out before, while Miles hitches a ride with Eli and Ryan in her car. There aren't any races tonight, but they head in that direction anyway, hoping for a clue at the least.

Getting outside town and towards the abandoned buildings and desert area, the scene is deserted. The setting sun casts long shadows over the empty, unofficial race site. It appeared no one was there, until Eli spots a car off to the side. "Looks like somebody left their junker here."

"That's no junker." Miles' tone was strained. "That's Leo's car."

The windshield was smashed, the driver's side window was gone. Lights were bashed out, and multiple dents made it apparent that someone had taken a baseball bat to the vehicle.

Eli lets out a low whistle. "Somebody had some fun."

Parking near the other car, the passengers get out and scan the area.

"Leo!" Miles shouts. No response. "Hey, man, you here?!" Nothing.

Eli gives Ryan an uneasy look. "What do you think?"

Not too far away, hear one of the dark buildings, a figure is curled up behind a dumpster. He didn't know how long he'd been there... he thought maybe a night... it felt like it maybe. In reality, it had been since the late night before. A cold wind creeps behind the dumpster and Leo shivers. His whole body felt like a great big dead weight. His face was cut and bruised, sporting two black eyes, a split lip and multiple cuts on his cheeks. His own knuckles were skinned, proving he'd done all he could to fight back.

Not knowing what had roused him, his eyes close once more. But there it was again. He'd heard his name that time, clear as day. Trying to roll over, he groans. Everything hurt. As he tries to sit up, his foot huts a couple empty beer cans, sending them rattling out from under the dumpster.

Jade laughs and shakes her head. "As much as it costs to go to Hawaii, I think I should probably stick to something a little less frivolous."

Cocking her head, she takes a deep breath of the night air and just studies Dan for several moments. Leaning back, she squints a little, sensing some melancholy. She wasn't sure why, but even though he'd been listening, she sensed he'd been in a whole other world at the same time. "What about you?" she asks softly. "What's your dream?"

"So whatcha gonna do now?" JT brings several glasses into the living room, waiting for Bree and the pizza to arrive.

Gunner has been wandering the living room, checking out family photos on the wall. He was so absorbed that he didn't even hear JT's question.

JT ambles up behind him, following Gunner's gaze to a picture that was taken years ago at a family Christmas gathering. JT was present with others who maybe were his parents and siblings or cousins. Everyone was smiling, and wrapping paper was all over the floor. There were kids present, grinning from ear to ear and clutching what were probably new toys.

"Mm... that was a while back," JT muses.

Gunner almost jumps. "Yeah." He keeps on thinking, feeling as though he wanted to reach out and touch the photo. "I wonder if I had any family Christmases like this."

JT suddenly realizes why Gunner had been so far away. "I bet you did... I bet you had happy times."

Gunner furrows his brow, unsure. "You know... I often thought maybe I did... but then I keep remembering that no family showed up when my parents were gone. So if I did have good Christmases..." He pauses. "...I guess they were short-lived."

JT purses his lips, feeling bad for the younger man. Gunner had a lot of layers to him... and the lowest ran quite deep. JT's question was still unanswered, but he didn't think he'd ask again. The sound of a car provides the out. "Sounds like the food's here. Hungry?"

"Starving." Gunner pulls himself away from the pictures, shifting gears. "I'm... just gonna go... clean up, if that's ok."

"Sure, sure." JT gestures down the hall towards the bathroom. "Second door on the right."


JT makes sure he's headed in the right direction before going to open the door for Bree.

Gunner shuts the bathroom door and leans back against it for a moment, taking a deep breath. He was exhausted, and he'd thought his feelings and thoughts about his parents would at least take a break with all he'd been through at the hospital. But apparently it had just made it easier for everything to continue surfacing.

Feeling not quite in control, he just wanted a moment to regroup before going back out to see Bree and eat.

Mick's shoulders drop even a little more, hearing Rosetta's words. Why were things so difficult all of a sudden?

He tries to interject a defense, but stops himself before saying something he regretted, and lets Rosetta finish instead. Sinking down at the table, he puts his head in his hands until she's said what she will. "Do you think I have forgotten about BJ?"

He lifts his eyes, shaking his head. "Don't you think I realize I have two sons now? Or that I have responsibilities here?"

Waiting for Rosetta to join him, he takes a deep breath. Yes, he was tired. He was exhausted. But this couldn't wait. Keeping his temper in check was not his strong point, but right now he had to keep calm. There was a sleeping child down the hall that he did not want to wake.

"You got upset yesterday when I asked you if you would act the same if it was BJ. But I didn't think it was unfair of me. You don't want me putting Dylan ahead of BJ, but why do I need to put BJ ahead of Dylan? It's a two way street, and I'm the one that's stuck in the middle, looking for the balance."

Mick stops, trying to put together his muddled thoughts, while trying to keep his tone down as well. "I know that... that there's a part of my life that you were never part of. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry you can't understand where I'm coming from. When I married you and we adopted BJ, yes, I started a new life. Yes, I accepted a whole lot more responsibilities. But that doesn't mean I forget my other family altogether. I have Dylan... and I have Jade. If it were BJ that was missing, you can bet your life I'd be doing the very same thing here... and it hurts to think that in that case, you wouldn't mind, but when it's Dylan, you try to keep me here. I just..."

He shrugs lamely. "I guess I don't understand."

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