
Enough to turn around

Miles and Jed exchange looks before focusing on Ryan. "Um..." Jed shrugs. "Where else would we look? I went to his place, he's not there. I know a couple of his buddies, and they don't know where he is. He's not answering his phone, so... unless you have any bright ideas, I think we'll just have to trust he's okay."

Eli is standing nearby, fooling with a wrench. He's stayed mostly out of the way all day, though every once in a while had found himself helping out since he knew what he was doing. Ambling over to the other three, he seems thoughtful. "You say he was at the races last night?"



Jed folds his arms. "What are you getting at?"

"Oh, I don't know." Eli shrugs. "He was upset about that fellow, Roth, I know."

Miles smirks. "Nobody goes up against Roth, not even the best. Besides, we didn't hear anything about any mishaps last night."

Jed sighs as he looks back to Ryan. "I wouldn't worry about it... I'm sure he's fine."

As Bree starts to talk about Gunner, JT's eyes widen slightly. "Br- ...wai- ...I-" He gives up, the whole spiel coming forth.

Gunner is sure he looks like a deer in headlights. He stares straight ahead, sinking further down into his seat. He knew his face must be beet red. There was something about what Bree said that made him feel good... she thought about him just like he thought about her. No one, that he knew of, ever felt like that before. More than friends or just friends, it didn't matter - it was a warm feeling... a feeling of being wanted. It was new... it was nice.

But in this setting, in the car with JT right there, and Bree not even realizing that Gunner could hear every word, it was less than comfortable. It was downright embarrassing, even though he really didn't know why. He sinks another inch lower.

When Bree obviously realizes that he's listening in, he cringes a little. He opens his mouth, but no sound came, and he just blinks.

JT tries his hardest not to laugh at what he found to be extremely funny. Noticing Gunner's loss for words, he takes over. "Uh, hon, I think my passenger's gonna try to jump out at the next stop, so why don't we hang up for now, and I'll see you tonight?"

Gunner knows Bree must be mortified and it wasn't fair to let her think he was too. He finally finds his voice before JT ends the call. "Don't worry, it takes a lot to kill a vampire - I'd survive a leap from a moving vehicle. But... the thought of pizza is too enticing, so I think I better stay buckled in."

JT nods his approval, trying to move on, for his niece's sake. "Good choice. So Bree, you'll pick the food up if I call it in?"

"Hmmm." Jade chuckles and turns her own head, to meet Dan's eyes. "I'm really not sure anymore... dreams seem so evasive." Searching his gaze, she can feel heat coming to her cheeks, so she turns her attention back to the sky.

"Not all that long ago, I was looking forward to finding the man of my dreams... settling down... having a 'normal' life. I forfeited something that might have brought me happiness, because I thought I had it all planned out and that's the way it had to be." She shakes her head. "But now... I guess my dream is to just be loved. Doesn't matter if I have to work as a waitress, or for a law firm, or be a stay at home mom... doesn't matter if my husband makes just enough money to get by, or makes a lot... just knowing I had someone there... that's all. I once thought the man I found would have to have a safe job so I'd never have to worry... but now I know that you can't stifle anyone's passions... and to do that would just create unhappiness. I'd rather spend ten minutes of bliss with the one I love than a lifetime knowing he was unhappy just because he was trying to please me."

Jade lets out a slightly scoffing laugh. "Yeah, that was kinda corny. I guess maybe I see my mom and... yeah, she's happy, but... I don't know... I see things that I want to do differently so I don't have the same bad experiences."

Pausing, she steals a glance back at Dan, hoping her little confession about her dream life and love didn't make him feel uncomfortable. "Of course... I always dreamed of spending a week's vacation in Hawaii too." She laughs. "Now that one might come true."

Mick's eyes go a little wide when he sees Rosetta had a gun, and he's quick to obey, getting in the house and setting his back down. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I left my keys here and..."

Stopping, he just look at Rosetta for the longest moment. His expression was one of defeat. "I couldn't leave like that. I know I walked away but..." He sighs deeply. "I just... I don't know. I didn't feel right, so I spent all day on the phone trying to figure out a way to have the best of both worlds, and I wound up back here."

He shrugs lamely. "I'm kinda angry that you made me feel so guilty for wanting to find my own son. But I don't want to lose you either so... if I have to stay to keep you then I guess I'll have to figure something else out."

His tone indicates that he really did feel hurt over the whole thing, and that he felt defeated in that he had to give in to Rosetta, lest he lose her. She was important enough for him to have turned around and come home. He just wished it hadn't come to that. He shrugs again, not knowing what else to say. "I'm kinda feeling alone here and I hate fighting with you. So... I guess I figured if I was at least here while trying to help with Dylan that you might be okay with that."

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