

Continuing her afternoon with BJ Katie had fun with her cousin. They played games, colored, enjoyed the outside air for a while came back in took a nap, and poped in a movie to watch. Katie was happy Jason didnt mind her stay a little bit longer. The time with BJ was fun and she new Rosetta just need a little alone to think.

Moving to the breakroom for just a moment Ryan had to sit. She been working nonstop since after the part and now was getting short winded. Not to mention her wrist was hurting a little to. A complain wouldnt come from her lips as she was thankful Darrel was letting her work at all before she was fully recovered.

Taking a sip from her can of Dr. Pepper Ryan can make out voices around the corner and Leo's name catches her attachen. Stoping to listen a little closer and hear what they were talking about Ryan stands a little worry over coming her.

"You guys haven't hear from Leo since last night? Even for it being Leo thats strange. Are one of you guys going to see if you can find him?"

Answering her phone Bree gives a yawn a smile spreading across her face seeing that it was her Uncle. She felt a little tired as she had kept herself up all day. Not that she wouldnt be working the overnights as Northside and was back working with the kids no more night ships and she needed to get on a normal sleeping pattern again. Though one might think it hard for Bree, it would be a peace of cake.

"Well seeing as I got my old day job with the kids back and I wont be needed at Northside anymore I have my afternoon and night free, so pizza sounds great as long as its dough only on one side. Oh and watch who you pick up for company I hear tell of a vampire on the loose."

Thinking for a long moment Bree lets out a little giggle at her own inside joke with Gunner before talking to her Uncle again.

"He's a good guy though, I like him, more than a friend I think, but I dont really know. Its the strangest feeling in my stomach. When I am away, I cant wait to see him again eather. I dont know this whole emotional thing is confusing Uncle JT but I am happy it got to be confusing with Gunner. Anyways let me get showerd and feed the pets than I will be over."

Stopping again to thinking she herd someone else in the car Bree freeze as a wave of embarrassment washes over her, relizing what her Uncle was talking about.

"Hi Gunner."

Leaning on the haybale Dan finds a fine blade of straw and picks at it. Looking at the star lit sky Dan lets out a sigh breath in the night air.

"I always wanted to touch a cloud, or just see earth from way up in space. You alwasy see pictures of what the earth looked like when I was little I thought it would be actully cool to see it with my own two eyes"

Dan felt a little sleepy tonight as chores were a little heavy than normal without Mick here. A strange feeling was in the air but no one really wanted to talk about it. So Dan left the topic alone and just played as the detraction.

Turning his head a little to look over his shoulder and see Jade Dan gave a smile .

"That was a dream of your post whats one dream you have now?"

The last few days Dan had enjoyed Jade's company and was getting use to having her near. Though something he just wanted to shy away it felt good to have someone around to chat with and get to know.

Hearing the doorbell Rosetta flips on the bedroom light. Looking at the clock it was just after eleven. Not knowing who would be there at this hour but not wanting to leave it be incase it was an emergency Rosetta reachs into the night stand taking out a hand gun. Slipping on her bathrobe Rosetta slowly walks to the front door turning the light in the kitchen on hoping the small child that had been sleeping next to her would not wake.

Flipping to pouch light on and opening the door slowly Rosetta enters a state of shock as Mick stands in the door way. Playing her gun on the counter Rosetta isnt to sure what to say, but finally she finds some kind of words.

"Are you trying to kill me with a heart attack? Get in here, and tell me what your doing!"

Rosetta's tone wasnt angry, just confused more than anything as seeing Mick home when he had jsut left this morning.

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