
Thank you.

Continuing to look up at Leo Ryan can feel his fingers brush aganst her own and it brings a small warmth to her. Turning her hand over Ryan catches Leo's fingers gentily in her own and intertwines her fingers with his. Just knowing he was close helped her not feel so scaired. Hard on the outside she was, but deep down she had fears of her own like the next person.

"Thank you for coming Leo. It...means alot."

Turning her head a little so it was resting against the pillow comfortably closing her eyes. It was to hard to keep them open.

"Miles, I know your here somewhere. I'm sorry I gave....you quite....the...the...scare. I...scared myself, but..I wanted to do what was right. I told Roth the bet was off, I told him it was over so...so Leo wouldnt get hert, but he didnt listen. He wont stop, not till he gets whats owed to him."

Ryan fades in and out of coutiousness from the meds babbling here and there. Repeting some things the police needed to know, and some than maybe no one needed to know.

But in a final moment before sleep over took her Ryan gave a squeeze to Leo's hand taking in a deep breath and gives a little quiver.

"I....thank you Leo."

Finally Ryan feel into a deep sleep as the mids kicked in to help her sleep.

Consistently staying at Jeff's side Katie never left it now. Not to eat, not to sleep, since her talk with Jason this was her new post. Katie new the time was coming, and it would come all to soon, but she wouldnt move, she would wait, Her hand in Jeff's staying close.

"I"m here Dad, I love you. I'm here."

Closing her eyes and leaning her head on Jeff's shoulder as she sat in the chair facing the bed Katie says a not so quick prayer for him. She didnt want her day to die but she new it would happen. She just didnt want him to be in pain anymore. She prayed God would keep him comfortable, and give him peace in his last moments.

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