

Her eyes were close, and Ryan felt so cold but feeling Miles hand in her own brought comfort knowing her friend was there close to her. She hurt but felt nothing at the same time it was a very strange and terrifying feeling.

Once at the hospetil Ryan is rushed into the ER. The bullet didnt have an exit wound so it was still inside of her. They would have to do surgery to get it out, not to mentil a blood transfustion from the amount of blood she lost.

Sometimes doing whats right comes with a price when you try to make up for the wrong and the time goes by as the life of a friend hangs in the balance. Would she be ok? Had much damage been done? How slow time can go by as the worry in a room can continue. Not hearing a word could mean good or bad and those who cared where left in the dark the agonizing seconds that passed seemed long than than the last.

Finally three hours last a tall blond woman exits the ER. Her scrubs showed she had cleaned up a little but had just returned from doing something extensive. First going to the nurses station the woman leans over to one of the computers looking at a few things before turning to the nurse. After the nurse gives a nod to the small group of friends the woman gives them a smile before walking over and extending her hand.

"Good evening gentlemen, I am Dr. Fuller, I took care of your friend tonight."

Thought Dr. Fuller's eyes had a soft calming warmth to them they also held a seriousness to them for the situation.

"Let me start off by saying that the surgery went well, and we were able to find the bullet and remove it. Ryan was very lucky that the bullet wasnt a few more inches to the right or it would of pierced her heart."

Taking a seat across from the men, Dr. Fuller lets out a small sigh as she looks each of them in the face for a long moment. Ryan had been that close to death, and it could be a hard thing to handle at first.

"Ryan lost alot of blood and again she is very lucky. She has a very rare blood type that is almost impossable to find. But earlyer in the day we happened to have a blood drive and that was one of the blood types we encountered. The Lord was definitely watching over your friend today for more than one reason and in many ways."

Dr. Fuller gives a nod as she thinks to herself for a moment and lifting up a thanks in her own find for the hand that had guided Ryan. It was obveus a higher power had other plans for her and it was not her time.

"Ryan may have some complications with her right arm but it's nothing to worry about at the moment. Though she will have to refrain from moving it for a while. She has a few bruses, and she is going to be quite sore for a while but the biggest worry we have right now is that her body with accept the blood we used and not reject it because it was not a family members."

Letting out another small sigh and standing Dr. Fuller gives a smile again before continuing with her final words.

"I would suggest maybe trying to contact her family so incase her body dosnt accept the blood, we have some backup. Other than that you guys are free to go in and see her if you like. She is pretty doped up from the meds right now, and might be out of it, but your more than free to go in. Just try not to ryler her up to much so she doesn't tear the stitching and her body dosnt stress out. Stress could cause her body to reject the blood as well."

Feeling the quiet around her Ryan lay in the bed. Her body felt numb from the medicine, and her mind was almost blank. She couldn't really think about much at the moment everything seemed so foggy. A soft breeze could be felt under her noise as the tubes pumped oxygen. The soft beeping sounds of masheens echoed in the quiet. A gauze bandage wrapped around Ryan's shoulder, patway down her arm and her chest the mark bore from the sugary. Closing her eyes to stop the room from spinning one would think she was asleep, but she was very much awake.

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