
Sit tight

Miles remains quiet, just letting Ryan ramble, and not really knowing how much was true or just her making things up. It didn't matter though - as long as she was still alive, there was still a chance.

"Shh... it'll be okay, Ryan... I'll make sure Leo knows, alright?" Blood oozed between his fingers as he continued the pressure on the wound. "I'll tell him... he doesn't think you hate him, okay?"

Once the paramedics arrive, Miles is pushed to the side, and stands helplessly watching until he's approached.

"Um, I..." He tries to sort through all of the rapid questions. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. There was a fight over a bet and Ryan got shot." He shakes his head. "She's got brothers? I think? I don't know." He blinks, then nods. "Yeah, I'll ride with her." He glances around at the empty spaces where people had been - they'd all fled at the sign of trouble. "At this point, I'm the closest thing she's got." And that really wasn't saying much.

Once he's in the ambulance, he finds his phone and dials Leo, but gets his voicemail. "Dang it, Leo... where are you? I'm on the way to the hospital with Ryan. She got shot, Leo. It was Roth. Call me or show up, would ya?"

It isn't long before the hospital is in sight, and Miles follows the crew lamely until they get inside and he's separated from Ryan. Standing numbly in the waiting area, he doesn't even remember that his t-shirt is stained with blood. He doesn't want to go home and change... no, he would stay and make sure Ryan would be okay.

Leo hears his phone go off in his pocket, but he ignores it, taking another sip of his beer.

Ron quirks an eyebrow, having realized that Leo wasn't going to call anybody to pick him up. "That could be that friend you need to drive," he hints.

Leo smirks and rolls his eyes. "Whatever." Finishing up his beer, he sets his money on the counter. Hearing the laughter and talking going on behind him just made him feel worse. It was time he got out of here. "Thanks, Ron. See you later."

"I hope not," Ron mentions under his breath as he watches Leo walk slowly to the door.

Getting into the fresh air seems to revive a few of Leo's senses, but getting to his car, he just leans on it a moment, trying to decide if he really should drive or not. Sighing, he pulls out his phone and listens to whatever Miles had to say. When he hears the message though, his blood runs cold and he stands stunned. Ryan? Shot? But... He swallows hard as his heart begins to race. He couldn't think very quickly at the moment, and he tried his best to figure out what he should be doing. Finally, he dials a number to the only one he could really trust to help him in a situation like this. "Axel?"

"Leo? Do you know what time it is?"

"Yeah, yeah... I need a ride. To the hospital."

"Are you okay?"

"It's not me, it's Ryan. Just please..."

"Okay, okay, where are you?"

"Um.... I'm down at the bar."

Axel sighs. "Great, Leo."

"Please, Axel! I... I don't know if I could drive myself there or not, but I want to go. Ryan got shot at the races and I want to go find out if she's okay!"

There's a pause before Axel makes up his mind. "Sit tight, I'll be right there."

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