
A minute or two

Those waiting are all on alert as the doctor comes in to explain about Ryan. Miles and Axel get to their feet, while Leo remains seated, his shoulders drooping.

Once the explanation is done, Miles gives a nod, "Thank you, doctor. Appreciate all you've done." He turns to Leo, who had undergone a quick sobering up by Axel before arriving. "You coming?"

Leo shakes his head.

"Well then why did you even come?"

"Just bug off, alright?"

"Look, Ryan cares about you," Miles states flatly. "She told me things, Leo... No matter how it got to that point, she does care, and I dare say came pretty close if not all the way to falling in love with you."

Heat rises to Leo's face. "Yeah, but if it hadn't been for a stupid bet, she never would have given me a second glance. I came to see if she was alright... so now I know."

Miles glares at him. "So help me... if you don't get in there, I'll drag you."

Leo grits his teeth, but gets to his feet anyway. "Fine. Three minutes, then she's all yours." Scuffing his feet on the tile floor, he heads down the hall to where the room is. Once there though, he hesitates. He didn't know if the sick feeling in his stomach was from his bar outing, or his emotions. Eventually, he enters the room, quietly walking to the bed. There were so many tubes and wires... Leo hated hospitals.

With his hands tucked safely in his hoodie pockets, he approaches, not really knowing what to feel. Ryan looked asleep. He didn't want to wake her. Maybe if he just stayed in here a minute or two, Miles would leave him alone.

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