
Rainbow to roll with

Just staying quiet Jess listens to Axel every word he says goes hurd and taken in. Not missing one beat or losing attachen Jess is just quiet and listens.

Everything Axel said made sence, and added up. Some was saprising and some was not it went hand in hand.

Watching Axel Jess can see the emotion, the pain that pooled in his eyes. That alone was enough to tell anyone they were innocent. Many people could fake, but to look deep into the eyes, to look into the soul was the truth.

"So you think your innocent but have no proof? I dont think it would be possable to sleep walk and do something like that. It just seems....I dont know just not possable I guess."

Looking around the small restront Jess starts to note that it was getting busy but not to bad yet. Leaning in just a little bit to Axel and keep her voice down so no one would over hear them she continues to talk with Axel. Her own emotion hiddin in her eyes.

" I dont think your capable of it. Your an honorable person, with a good heart. It's just not possable."

Straghting just a little Jess cant help the smile that spreads across her lips.

"If you would consider not running anymore, I know a storm cloud with enough thunder to go around that needs a rainbow to roll with. Its not every day a storm is around long enough to see the rainbow, so when they catch one they never want to let go."

Giving a nod as if she agrees with herself Jess eyes become more searouse. She ment what she said and she said what she ment.

"In all my life, your only the second person I ever considered a true friend. I'd hate having to lose that."

Jess had known it was hard for Axel to tell his story and how it must have hurt him inside, but just hearing it...hearing it from his own lips put an ease over Jess.

Feeling the slap to the face Peter wakes with a start his head was pounding. Fanticly looking around the the inclosed area.

What was going on? Where was he?

Finally relizing it was Carson's voice he could hear Peter trys to look behind him.

"You cant do this to me man, this is un human."

Struggaling again till he feels the blade to his face Peter's heart races. Feeling the sting from the blade Peter winces.

"Man...if if you want Jess you can have her. I'll leave her alone, you can take her. She was to weak anyways. I got what I wanted from her and now I've moved on. Just let me go and I'll leave her alone. I wont even press charges on you."

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