

Feeling Con pull him off Nate lets out a strong huff trying to catch his own breath.

"I'd rather see him dead, but I guess that wouldnt be right."

Whiping the blood from his knuckles on his pants Nate takes a pare of handcuffs from his belt loop. Taking his boot Nate rolls Bryce over being anything but gentil. Cuffing his hands Nate hoists him up and hands him over to Con.

Letting out a long sigh Nate just stands for a moment looking out at all the people in the park. Getting lost for a moment Nate finally comes back to where he is and turns back to the car. His eyes now had lost most of there anger and held only sadness.

Getting back into his car he waits for Con to get Bryce in and than himself before pulling away for the station.

Jess gives Derek a genuin smile as she feels more relaxes being there this time. Now that Axel was with her things just seemed better.

"Not to much trouble, than again I think its the storm that gives the rainbow the most trouble."

Startled just a little by the sound of running and the unexspected voice Jess soon is relaxed again seeing the young girl. Giving a smile again Jess takes Liz's hand and gives it a soft handshake.

"Its very nice to meet you as well Liz."

Just smiling Jess stands back at watches Axel and Liz interact along with Derek. She'd never had a family to call her own let alone remember what her own patents looked like. Seeing this interaction was new to her, it was something she herself had never experinces and it was intreging to see a group of people so close it was strange and new to see a family.

Feeling tired and stressed Misty contnues to work on knowing right now she had to. Feeling Carson's arms around her and hearing his voice Misty cant help the smile that made its way to her lips. Just knowing Carson was around, was enough to want her to go on.

"I like being captured, and facing the consequences when its from you."

Not being able to help the grin that surfaced on her lips Misty turns her head to look at Carson letting her lips meeting his and her other hand coming up to the side of his face and than slip to the back of his head just letting the moment linger.

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