
Mama Sue

Bryce is taken completely off guard, his eyes wide, his face pale from almost getting hit with the car. Too stunned and surprised, he doesn't even have time to react before Nate is on him. Struggling under Nate's weight, he gives a wail, but is answered with fists. His own fists fly, but they only get tangled in Nate's arms, and he's unable to defend himself. Blood spurts from his mouth and nose as he's hit over and over again. Finally one of Nate's blows renders him unconscious.

Con is right with Nate, getting out of the car, but being on the other side, he sees Nate get to Bryce first, and let's him take over. Seeing that Bryce is going no where, Con stands back, letting Nate handle him. His anger still burned. He remembered Bryce from years ago. Now justice would finally be served.

But as he sees Bryce finally lose consciousness and Nate doesn't stop, something tells him to step in. Though he'd like to see Bryce dead, if they killed him, it would be them on trial instead, and this was far from self-defense.

"Alright, Nate, alright." He steps closer, putting his hands on Nate to pull him off their now-prisoner. "He can't serve time if he's dead."

Looking up at Jess, Axel's mouth finally curls into a smile. He takes Jess' hand and stands up, any food being forgotten. He didn't want to stay at the grill any longer. Getting outside Axel stops and turns to her before going to his car. "I don't know how to thank you, Jess. I guess all I can do is admit I was wrong." He shakes his head a little. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you either." His left hand moves up again to run gently along her cheek. The look in his eye proved that it pained him to know that Peter had gotten to her again.

Dropping his hand, he starts forward again, tucking his tingling hand in his pocket out of the chilly wind. Jess always helped the pain go away. But this time the numbness was sticking around. For now though, he wouldn't draw attention to it.

"You can follow me," he offers, heading to his car. Once back on the street, he makes sure Jess is behind him, then heads back to the house.

Parking, he gets out and waits for her, then goes to the door. Not needing to knock, he opens it for Jess, letting them both in.

Derek is just passing when they walk in, and he stops, lifting his eyebrows and giving a little smile. Axel was back... Jess was here... that could only be a good thing. "Well hello, you two."

Axel nods to him. "Gina mind if we have an extra guest for supper?"

"You kidding me?" Derek smirks. "She'd cook for an army if it meant more chatter at the table."

Axel grins. "Alright. So have you two..." He gestures between Derek and Jess with question. He hadn't quite figured out yet how Jess had found him, but this was the only logical explanation.

Derek nods. "Yeah, we've met." His smile is warm and aimed at Jess. "Glad you came back and brought this scallywag along with you. I hope he didn't give you too much trouble."

Axel rolls his eyes. "Only a little."

Suddenly running footsteps can be heard coming down the hall and Liz comes shooting around the corner. "Axel, Axel, Axel! I need your help with..." Her voice trails off and she skids to a halt, her feet sliding on the tiled floor in her socks. Her eyes widen, realizing that Axel had not come back alone. But the embarrassment is quickly replaced with a muffled giggle. "Oh, sorry to interrupt."

Axel grins. "Liz, this is Jess, Jess this is Liz."

Liz's eyes light up. "Oh it's so good to finally meet you!" She offers Jess a friendly handshake. "I kept wondering when I'd get to put a face to the name Axel can't seem to quit talking about. Just yesterday, he was..."

Before she can finish, Axel has stepped forward to lock her head under his arm, slapping a hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry, Jess. This one is the chatterbox of the family. Really, she doesn't know any better. Poor thing. We all put up with her though."

A backhanded slap to his gut forces him to catch his breath and let Liz go.

Liz giggles and backs away several steps. "You big meanie."

Carson wanders through TJY, making his way to the infirmary. Once there, he pokes his head inside to see Rick at the counter and Misty at her desk. Tired, but not willing to go home yet, Carson is quiet about entering, and slowly comes up behind Misty's chair.

Bending down, he wraps both arms around her, under her chin. "Tsk... letting an Aussie sneak up on you? I thought you knew better." He cocks his head around to almost rest it against hers, just far enough he could see her eyes. "Or do you just like being caught?"

Gunner grins as he finds the plate of cookies on his desk from Susanne. "Oh, you're a sweet woman." Letting one with chocolate chips melt in his mouth, he trots down to her office, not knocking before going in. "Mama Sue!"

Susanne gives a start and papers go flying. "Gunner!" She reprimands. "How many times have I told you not to call me that?"

"Not enough." Gunner comes around to plant a teasing kiss on the top of her head. "You do know how to take care of me." He still has half a cookie in his hand, and he takes another bite.

"Well good. Now help me pick these papers up." Though Susanne's voice was annoyed, the twinkle in her eye proved that she enjoyed every minute of this. "And while you're at it, when are you going to shave that horred mess?"

Gunner grins and helps her pick up the papers. "Aw now, if I got all nice and prettied up, you wouldn't recognize me anymore!"

Ryder wanders across the TJY floor, feeling a bit lost and out of place. He knew people's names, but few faces, and most didn't know him either. He didn't feel unwelcome, but he didn't feel like he fit either. Ambling down the hall, he glances into an office, a supply room, then the infirmary. When he gets there though, he spots Carson. He stiffens immediately, and doesn't stick around. Instead, he continues his aimless walk. It would be just as well if he didn't have to run into Carson today.

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