

Looking over to the right where Con was point Nate see Bryce. He'd never seen him before but he new just from one look who he was.

Ignoring anything Con might of been saying to him Nate speeds up in his car again getting closer and closer and closer to Bryce till finally she does a tail spin with the backend of his can and almost hits Bryce.

Not even missing a beat Nate is out of his car and tackles Bryce right over the hood of his car and slamming him to ground on the other side. Stanying on top of him Nate's fit hits the side of Bryces face with such great force from all his anger, and his emotion.

"Your gonna be sorry you ever layed a finder on her."

Continuesly Nate fast meets his face, and sides not even caring about the blood that now was forming on his own hands. As Bryde trys to fight underneath him Nate only hits harder losing focus of relaity and just wanted to hurt the name that hurt Laura.

Looking at Axel Jess smiles. Being invite to now see the family that was so close to Axel felt like an honner.

"I'd like to meet them properly. Yes...I'd like that Axel."

Jess face though was covered in bruses, cuts, and scars beamed like no other. The life and color, the happyness that filler her eyes.

"I've been many places from my past life, but I never really stoped to see or enjoy anything. I think....this time I'd like to."

Standing Jess offers her hand to Axel. They had both walked in here alone, and lost with differnt purpis in mind. Now...now they would walk out together with the same purpis.

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