

Scott flinches away from Misty's hand, then realizing it was just her, he tries to relax. Still shaking and gasping for breath, he tries to regain control, though feeling totally out of control.

Finally calm enough to sit up straighter, he pulls his knees up to his chest and rests his chin on them, glancing up at Misty. "Sorry," he manages quietly. Swallowing hard, he tries to forget about the dream, but he can't. It was one thing to wake up screaming and be scared of his own shadow. It was another to realize it and be unable to stop it. He knew no one here held anything against him, but it didn't seem to matter... he still felt foolish and embarrassed.

"I just keep seeing it over and over," he whispers. "They killed her... right there. And I couldn't do anything. I was...too weak."

Closing his eyes, Scott slowly lies back down, turning on his side again. If he could go back... oh, if he could go back... what he wouldn't give.

Rick reenters the infirmary, and seeing Misty at Scott's bed, he instinctively knows that something had changed. Coming over slowly, he sees the far away look in Scott's eye, and knows he must have had another nightmare.

Sighing, he relieves Misty, then gives Scott something to help him sleep. Rick didn't like giving him any more medications, but if it would help him sleep more calmly, for now, it was worth it.

Reese listens to his voicemail, then sighs deeply, setting his phone back down again. He sat alone in his dark living room, the television long since being shut off.

He'd been so strong all day... trying not to let circumstances bother him... trying to see the logic and make decisions based on that logic rather than emotions. But in the end... he was hurting as much as the next Elite agent. Austin had been a friend... now he was an enemy, and Reese didn't even understand why.

Though Brown had tried to offer hope, Reese just wasn't sure what all really was going to happen, or really what all could be done. Only time would tell.

Reaching to the side, his fingers find the cool picture frame, and he brings it so he can see it, able to make out the photo in the moonlight streaming in through the window. Wyatt's boyish eyes twinkle with mischief, and Reese's wife waves at the camera.

"What am I to do now?" he whispers in the dark. "This was my life's work..."

Axel looks up to squint into the headlights, holding up a hand to block the glare.

Invited to a ride, he hesitates just a moment. First, what on earth was Jess doing out here? And second, he wasn’t exactly in a position that he appreciated being seen in.

At the same time though, it would be stupid to turn down a ride. He really was cold, and he did trust Jess.

Pursing his lips in thought, he finally opts to accept. Getting up to open the door, then sliding in the passenger seat, he feels relief from the warmth of being out of the elements. Rubbing his hands a little, he draws his knees together and curls his feet under the seat, trying to get them to warm back up again.

“I think your rainbow was starting to turn to ice crystals,” he muses wryly.

As they start forward, a dry laugh escapes and he shakes his head, giving a little groan. “I, um…I have this thing about walking barefoot in the middle of the night… wandering streets for the fun of it.” He winces and leans down to rub the bottom of one foot. “Picking up glass with my feet.”

Straightening, he leans back in the seat, closing his eyes for a moment. He knew Jess wouldn’t ask, but he should tell her anyway before any assumptions arose. He knew the danger in that. At the same time, his hesitance was born of the embarrassment of being found in this vulnerable position. It wasn’t one he particularly enjoyed.

“I almost stepped out of a moving tour buss once. If it wasn’t for Taylor, I would have. She ended up with a black eye, but saved my life that time.”

Opening his eyes again, he turns his head to look at Jess for a moment. “Some hobby, eh?” He smirks. “They call it sleepwalking. I call it a misfire in my brain.”

Pausing again, he sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Unfortunately, a set of wrenches can’t fix this problem. Been a while since I’ve wound up out in the middle of nowhere though… I thought maybe I’d finally gotten rid of it.”

He shakes his head again. “Thanks for stopping, Jess. Your timing is impeccable.”

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