
There Choise

Listing to Rick Hope takes in everything he said. Listing closly to the situatuin and trying to understand it. As Rick continues with Scott's condition, and how it could be dangerous. The thought of something like that made Hope a little uneasy but she had never turned anyone away and never left someone who needed help to fight on there own.

Leaning back in her chair for a moment Hope just sits her eyes moving over Rick's face as she thinks. Much emotion was written all over Rick's face, his need, his want to help this young man Hope to read it all.

Standing for a moment Hope makes her way around the desk and heads over to the far window that streached from one side of the room all the way to the other and for a long moment just looked out of it.

Finally turning and heading to a filing cabnot she pulls out a folder with some paper in it before heading back to her desk again and sitting down.

"It sounds like this young man needs alot of help. Though it is as you said dangerous I am willing to give it a shot. I've never turned anyways away who needed help and I dont plan on starting."

*Giving a small smile Hope holds the folder out to Rick.*

"I am going to need you and Scott fill this out for me, and than return it asap. There are a few options for him as well. And whatever suits him is up to him for now. There is a paper in there that explains it more but I can give you a fast run down.

We have an open door plan and that is Scott can come in and out of the office like most. We set up apointments and he comes than goes. Also we have a inpashent plan. That would be if it would make him more comfortable and safe he can stay here in one of the rooms that is set up in the back. Its not exacly like a psyc ward, but we do have people who look over the pashents making sure they are ok and we have programs that will reintroduce him with the world and dealing with people with in the world."

Hope pauses for a moment before continuing as she gathers her thoughts and information for Rick.

"We leave it up to the pashent for now on what they would like to do but with in getting my help if I think one options would be better than the other, or if the pashent is in danger of hurting themself than I intervean and decied for them. More often than not though the pashent knows what they need and it never comes down to me having to over mine them."

Hope's smile stays soft as the look and strong pashen for what she did shone through her eyes.

Nate nods and listens to Brown as he talks. A bit of saprise on his face rises when the mention of some more rules of the Elite and they freedom they really did have.

Continuing to listen nate just takes it all in at the moment he was sure the looks on his face said enough. Giving the opertunity to speek finally Nate lets out a small sigh before continuing.

"I just want everone to be treated fairly. I think we do need more freedome your right about that. I also think if Austin had talked to us about ranks and what not we might have been able to ajust to it. but instead it was just thrown at as, as if he was trying to change us and everyone is bucking the system. I just want the fairness back, and Rick and Scott to have there jobs back. I'd stand behind Rick for anything. I'm behind him 100% with what he wants to do."

Nate gives a nod to Rick as the loylty is shown in his eyes. Rick ment alot to Nate without him he wouldnt have this job he held now and Nate has always respected Rick.

Carrying a few papers in his hand Dalton makes his way across the main floor after hearing through the grapevine that Reese had been fired. He wanted to talk to him about something but now he had to go the next step up and Dalton wanted to do it now before anything alse happend.

Passing through Susanne's office Dalton gives a small nod and than walks through Reese's office coming to Austin's door. Giving a strong knock on it he waits till he is given the ok to enter and does.

"Austin sorry to bother you but I've hit a bump in some of the programing and files here. Most of the stuff I was ok to figure out and understand its pretty simple but when I got to the more complex stuff its getting harder. I hardly have time to figure them out along with doing everything alse that needs to be done. So, I want an assistent, and I'd like it to be Scott himself."

For a moment Dalton goes silent as he stands tall searching Austin's eyes. He felt no fear, he felt no worry twords this man he hardly new. All he did know was he had come with a purpose and he wasnt going to be bullyed out of it.

"So, when Scott gets better I'd like him to be my assistent. I don't want anyone alse because Scott is the best, and I am the best. If I cant figure it out than there is no WAY anyone but the creator can."

Breaking Austin's gaze for a moment and feeling he new he was going to relent Dalton holds the papers out to him.

"Unless that is YOU can tell me what this means."

Dalton looks up to Austion again the strong cocky air coming off good and strong. He new it, and he wasnt trying to hide it.

Jess gives a smile as Axel speaks, watching as he continues to look around the car. Figuring he might be a little bit Jess makes her way inside to sit and read for a little bit.

As the time slowly pass and Jess continues to read the magazeans that were in the waiting room she cant help but loko up everyonce and a while and watch Axel. From where she was sitting she just happend to be in perfect view. Catching herself stairing once or twice Jess looks back at the magasean not looking up till she hears Axel's voice.

Standing and gives smile Jess can't help but feel a bit of guiltyness over not having to pay but she brushed it off for now figuring she would repay him someone another time.

Bringing her head up maybe a little to quick on Axel's offer to lunch and the shain to the rainbow brings a bit of color to her cheeks for a moment. Bushing it off quickly though as just an innocent statment Jess' smile remains.

"Well I guess if my shin can help the rainbow I can't say no huh? Becuase like a rainbow needs the shine the shin also needs the rainbow as a reminder that there is still some good and a reason to shine."

Gathering the grabage and the emptly soda can Jess toss it in the trash. Truning again she gives a nod. Jess liked spending time with Axel. Her new friend she had slowly learned to trust was now someone she enjoyed being around. Even when they did talk at all, the comapny was nice.

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