

As Nate speaks, Reese purses his lips in a partial smile, wishing these were different circumstances, but appreciating Nate's words more than most knew. It wasn't easy leading the group at TJY... but allowed that position, Reese had always done his best and cared about those who were under him.

Brown nods slowly, not surprised by Nate's statement, and glad that he seemed to be loyal to both the Elite and the leadership.

"Well..." He looks back to Reese. "I think we know where Nate stands, and... if my hunch is right, I think everybody else would feel the same way."

"Probably." Reese doesn't want to be proud, but knows it's the truth. "I honestly don't know which steps to take though. My first thought is to go in guns blazing and fight this thing. I want to get written statements from all the agents to prove we are in agreement, then go to a judge and have Austin's position threatened at the very least - removed at the most. That's what I want. But..."

He pauses, suddenly deep in thought. "What if we sit back and watch?"

Brown cocks his head. "You'll be out of a job."

"I can survive for a little while. I'd like to figure out what Austin's angle is... why he's doing these things. It's not the Austin I used to know... or at least thought I knew. I guess part of me wants to sit back and see how far he'll go."

"Give him enough rope to hang himself, in other words."


"What about other employees? They'll suffer in the meantime."

Reese thinks for a moment. "If Austin fires anyone else... perhaps those people can be consulted on the side, after they've left. I'm willing to compensate for their pay until we figure this out."

"And... you'd have them hired back?"

"Could I?"

Brown shrugs. "Depends on the situation. There again, it's going to be a matter of regulations versus popular vote, versus the law. If the staff lets him, Austin can stick around forever. If they're willing to make a stand, then they can get rid of him. But... like you said... you want to figure out what his motives are, and getting rid of him now won't do that."

Reese sighs deeply and glances at Nate. "I don't know... I just don't know."

"What if you were put in charge of the Elite?" Brown asks.

Reese lifts his eyebrows a little. "You mean be the head instead of Austin?"


Reese swallows hard. He'd been running things whenever Austin had been gone, but had always been under his direction or Carter's. Was he capable of running things himself? He knew the staff was loyal to him... he'd always been the one to give orders anyway, that filtered down from the top, and generally speaking, he'd never had trouble. A few arguments here and there, but nothing too major. Was he capable of being chief?

"I'd... like to think I could be."

Brown nods again, his eyes showing how deep he was in thought. "Well, I tell you... that the Elite is so new and unique is an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. If you want to lay low and see how things progress, it's fine with me. Of course, then you run the risk that if you need to take legal actions later on, they're going to ask why you did nothing now."

"Yeah, I know... but... I just... something tells me that Austin is wanting to upset the staff."

"And you think if you play along, that will put a wrench in his plans?"

"Something like that. And... I'd like to take a copy of these regulations home if I may, just to refresh myself. I think there's been a lot of things going ignored."

"That's probably my fault," Brown admits. "I was so excited to get you guys started, that I just let you all go and kind of just run the way you always had, with just a few more restrictions. I should have had a few more sit-down meetings with at least you and Austin and Carter."

"Well, at the time, we were all glad we didn't have too much to worry about, other than getting everyone pardoned, and then staying within the law."

"I understand." Brown pushes the papers towards Reese. "Feel free. This is a copy already. In the meantime..." He looks to Nate. "Since you'll still be on the inside, I want you to keep your eyes and ears open. Try not to stir too many people up just yet, but don't let yourself get pushed around either. I'm sure once Jason and Katie get back to work, they'll be doing the same. And... just ride it out. See what happens."

He pauses, gaining the attention of both men. "No matter what happens... the Elite will stand. Austin can try all he wants to, but the Elite was something I've wanted for a long time, and I'm not going to let it fold. You might go through heck in the meantime, but I'll do all I can not to let you guys get down too far."

"We appreciate that."

Brown nods. "Alright then. I have a court date I'm late for, so you gentlemen take care and we'll all be patient and see how things go."

It seems too soon that both men are back to TJY, Reese going his own way, letting Nate go his. By now everyone was aware of Reese's termination, making packing up his office even more difficult to do. Even though there was hope in what Brown had said... even though Brown had promised they would be okay... Reese had a looming fear in the pit of his stomach that this would be much harder than that.

Rick takes the papers from Hope, grateful for her willingness to help. "Thank you... I can't tell you how much I appreciate this."

He pauses, feeling a little awkward, but put at ease by her soft nature. "I think I know which option Scott will choose, but I'll see what he says. Um... well... I guess that's it, then. I will talk to him later today and I'll be in touch."

Rick offers Hope a strong handshake before making his way back to the door. Turning one more time, he studies her for just a moment. "I don't know you from anybody else, Miss Garrison, but... I can tell you're doing good work here. Thank you."

Giving a little nod, he exits, nodding to the receptionist as well on his way out. The ride back to TJY has him busy with thoughts of his own, wandering to the subject of Scott and Hope, then back again. He could only hope that Scott would recuperate. Most people in his case, Rick knew would never be the same again. Most people would eventually wind up in a mental institute. It would take a miracle for Scott, but... miracles happened every day.

Arriving back to TJY, he finds Scott still asleep, and is glad of it. Putting the counselor's papers away for now, he resumes his daily work.

Austin looks up from his desk as Dalton enters his office, and is ready to say something, but is cut off by the large man's spiel. Listening, Austin frowns and opens his mouth to argue, but can't get a word in. His frown increases, his eyes narrowing slightly at Dalton's cocky tone and body language. But just when he wants to say it's out of the question, he's shown the papers.

Glancing at them, he stares at the digits and words he didn't recognize. He was okay with computers, but this... it was way over his head. Turning the papers a little, he tries to make sense of them, then turns them back again, cocking his head slightly.

Irritated, he looks up at Dalton, "No" on the tip of his tongue. But looking at Dalton's eyes... seeing the determination... slight arrogance... lack of willingness to back down... Austin leans back in his chair instead, beginning a tense moment of silence.

Finally he tosses the pages back towards Dalton. "Fine." His tone is cold, despite his relenting. He was between a rock and a hard place, and he knew it. He could tell by Dalton's behavior that if he were to refuse, he might very well lose him, then he'd be without a tech guy at all.

"But I'm not supplying an office, and Scott's wages will reflect those of an assistant, not what he was making prior." Austin points a finger for emphasis. "So set up your office however you want. I'll inform Susanne to put him back on the payroll as soon as he's well enough to work. That is... if he's well enough to work again."

Austin lowers his gaze and grabs a pencil to work on some papers, signaling that Dalton was now dismissed.

Axel gives a light chuckle before grabbing the tow truck keys and opening the door for Jess. "Well... if the light can make it through all this..." He looks down at the grime on his hands that just wouldn't wash off. "...then I think we'll be doing well."

Getting outside, he hollers down to the open garage door. "Leo!"

"Yeah?" Leo sticks his head out from under the car he was working on, squinting out into the parking lot.

"Going to lunch. Hold the fort!"

Leo grimaces and gives Axel a sloppy salute. "Yeah... leave me here all alone, while you go on a date. Sure makes a fellow feel good, ya know that?"

Axel sets his hands on his hips, smirking at his friend. "Leo... If I bring you back a sandwich, will you shut up?"

A cheesy grin surfaces on Leo's face. "Now you're talking." He waves a wrench towards Jess. "Make sure he sticks to his word, will you?" Laughing, he disappears under the car again.

Axel rolls his eyes and heads to the truck, ignoring the crack about going on a date. "Alright," he talks over his shoulder to Jess, "follow me in your car to see how it's running."

Hitting the same little cafe, the same table is taken up, the light noon meal enjoyed once more. Axel is quite most of the time, but joins in some small talk, grinning every now and then, studying Jess' eyes as she spoke, looking further... looking deeper.

Parting once more, Axel drives the truck back to the shop, glancing in the rearview mirror as he goes, to see Jess get in her car and leave in the opposite direction. Thinking a moment, he gives his head a little shake, then gets back to work.

The day is a slow one... while one leaves TJY to the sandess and some anger of others, some simply move on with the day, trying to ignore their circumstances. While still others try to move on from their thoughts that plague them...

It's late. Rick hasn't left work yet, and glances over his shoulder to Misty. Somehow those who worked in the infirmary always seemed to devote more time to work than required. But he didn't mind. Keeping an eye on Scott was his mission right now, and if it meant a late supper, so be it.

Moving around, he has to take some files to another office, and slips out of the infirmary. No sooner has he left, than Scott starts to stir. Sleeping throughout the day, he'd been quiet, but now he began to writhe in bed, throwing off his blankets, and starting to mumble to himself.

Gripping his pillow so hard that his knuckles turn white, he breaks out in a sweat, his cries growing louder. "No... no... No! Don't do it! No!"

His own scream shatters his dream and his eyes fly open as he sits bolt upright. Trembling, his eyes race around the room, trying to convince himself of where he was and that he was safe. The horrible images clung to his mind like leeches, sucking the life out of him.

Burying his face in his hands, he rocks back and forth, unsure of his surroundings... unsure of reality. A tear escapes, making him feel even weaker than he already did. He had nothing... he was nothing.

“Y…y… you? A…r….?” Ty struggles, squinting at the cursive writing on the paper. Print was bad enough. Cursive he hadn’t figured out yet at all.

Sighing, he tries again. He knew the letter was from his mother. She probably hadn’t been thinking when she wrote it this way, but Ty wasn’t about to say anything about it. It was still an embarrassment to him, and he didn’t want to make his mother feel badly either.

Trying again, he stays straddling the chair in the lower hall of TJY, taking his first break late in the evening.

“U"-"n"-"c"-"l"……"e?” Ty skips over a couple words then lists the curved letters on the page and tries to pronounce another word, but didn’t have much luck. Becky had drawn a smiley face after a couple of the sentences… apparently there was some sort of news here. But it might as well have been Egyptian hieroglyphics. He couldn’t understand a thing.


Ty jumps, startled to his feet as Austin comes down the hall. “Yes?”

“You look busy.”

“I was on my break,” Ty defends.

Austin quirks an eyebrow at the letter. “Always read your mail here?”

“It’s… well… I…” Ty folds up the paper. “It’s more private down here.”

Austin recognizes the address on the envelope. “From your family?”

Ty nods. “My mom… she writes me about every week.”

A small smile creases Austin’s lips, then disappears again. “Sorry, you looked a bit upset. Bad news?”

“No… I mean… I….” Ty swallows hard. “I don’t know.” His eyes fall downward.

Austin cocks his head. “What do you mean?”

Ty hesitates, then holds out the letter. “I don’t know,” he mumbles again.

Austin takes the letter from him and unfolds it, scanning the words. His eyes suddenly widen, a strange feeling evoked. Images of the past flash through his mind. Emotions… feelings for other people… strong feelings he’d forgotten… For a moment, he’s taken back nineteen years to a time of joy amidst the insane turmoil everyone had been going through.

Shaking off the nostalgia, he gives a light chuckle. “Well, says here you’re going to be an uncle.”

Ty’s eyes widen. “An uncle? But…” He shakes his head. “Who…”

“Your brother. Looks like he and Wendy will be getting married here soon too.”

“Whoa.” Ty blinks, processing the information. He didn’t have the prettiest past himself, but he’d never gone that far, and it surprised him that Clint would have. “That’s….”

“Yeah.” Austin hands the letter back to Ty. “Can’t read, huh?”

“No…” Ty takes the letter back and stuffs it back into the envelope. He’d tried how many times to learn? He’d tried with Katie… he’d tried with Wyatt… he’d even tried with Rick, though no one knew about it. And all it had resulted in was him eventually being able to read a few two and three-letter words.

Austin sighs and shakes his head. Though his voice remains quiet, there’s the same new serious tone about it that the staff of TJY now dreaded. “You know, Tyler… I’m sure you do a good job down here with Hal, but…”

Ty looks up quickly, a chill running down his spine. “But what?”

“Well, the Elite is formed by the best and…” Austin shrugs. “I’m sorry, but I think you could best be used elsewhere.”

Ty’s face pales. “Elsewhere as in…”

“As in somewhere other than the Elite.”

“Are… are you firing me?”

“I’m suggesting you leave so I don’t have to.”

Staring into his boss’ steel cold gaze, an anger starts to burn in Ty’s veins. “Reese hired me even though I couldn’t read.”

“That was Reese. This is me. What do you want, Ty? You can walk away or force me to make a bigger deal out of this.”

For a moment, silence reins. Ty was shocked and angered. And he also knew that no one else would ever hire him because of his lack of skill. But going up against Austin? This cold-hearted man wasn’t worth the effort.

“Well… I guess that’s it then.” Ty’s fingers curl tighter around his letter, his stare turning into a glare. “Be sure to tell Hal when you see him. I’m sure he’ll be interested.”

“I will. You may come in next week to pick up your final paycheck.”

“Keep it,” Ty hisses. “If you…” He bites his tongue, surprising even himself by keeping his temper in check. Finally just shaking his head, he shoulders past Austin to stalk down the hallway to the stairs. Suddenly his whole future was a great big void. The only stable thing in his life was now gone.

On the other side of town, things are quiet and the hour grows late...

Reality comes into focus in an instant, shocking Axel’s system. He stares wide-eyed into the dark street, seeing the taillights of the car that had startled him with its horn.

Blinking, he turns around, trying to get his bearings, a panic starting to form. Headlights suddenly blind him, and he stumbles out of the way to barely avoid being hit. Staggering up onto the sidewalk, he looks down. He had his jeans and t-shirt on, but was barefoot and without a jacket. A chilly wind makes him shiver… or was it from the fear that had been evoked?

Trying to shake himself from his daze, he numbly heads to the corner of the street, squinting up at the sign. He was at fifth and crescent… at least two miles from the auto shop and his apartment. Checking himself over, he discovers he has no ID, no phone, no money.

Backing up against as cold brick building, he can hear his own pulse thumping in his head. It had happened again.

He runs a hand through his hair, wracking his brain, but it’s all a blank. The last thing he remembered was sitting on his couch in front of the television.

Without a way to do anything else, Axel finally sets out for the auto shop, trying to ignore the grit and gravel under his feet. It would take him a while to get there… he would choose a back route if he could follow it in the dark…

…Half an hour, and the chill was starting to set it. It may have been sixty degrees during the day, but after the sun went down, it got downright cold.

Axel rubs his arms as he trudges, stopping every so often as his feet hit a sharp rock or uneven crack in the sidewalk. Finally he just stops, sinking down onto a bench along the street, doubling over and trying to keep warm and catch his breath before continuing. The next question lurking in his mind was whether or not he’d locked himself out of his apartment. He wouldn’t know until he got here. But right now… right now he just needed to take a breather before going on.

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