
Rain Cloud

Giving a nod Dalton turns to head out of the office not saying another word. Though passing Susanne's office something not often seen forms on his lips a slight smile. He came he did what he needed to and now he would have an assistent.

Heading back to Scott and his office He continues his day keeping the good news in the back of his mind to tell Scott when he saw him next.

Once again the day plays on like an old song. The people come, and people go some spending more time than they need but getting lost in work can sometimes do that.

Hearing Scott's outburst Misty's head shoots up from what she was doing as she is on her feet fast making her way over to Scott. Laying a soft hand on his arm Misty trys to keep her voice soft.

"Shhh...its ok Scott. It was only a dream. Your at TJY your safe."

Sitting with Scott Misty just lets him know she is there. What alse could she do..Rick would be back in a moment and would know what to do more than she would. Right now all she could do was show comfort to him and let him know he was ok.

Giving a sigh Nate holds his phone in his hand. It was late but he wanted to call Reese and let him know about what happend today anyways. He was upset about it and just needed to get it off his chest before he did anything he regreted. Dialing Reese number Nate waits, hearing the voice mail pick up it didnt saprise him.

"Reese its Nate. I just needed to talk to someone even if it was you voice mail. Reese...Ty got fired. I dont think Austin new I over heard but I was heading down stairs to look at some old files and I hurd them. He forced him to quit so he didnt have to fire him. Something about since he couldnt read maybe he would be better alse where. I was so upset I just wanted to knock him out right there. But I held back and no one knows I know. I just needed to tell someone. I guess I'll let you go now Reese you need anything let me know."

Hanging up the phone a sadness looms in Nates eyes, what was happing. Finally letting out a heavy sigh Nate makes his way inside to settle in for the night.

Tapping her fingers to the beat on the radio Jess drives down the road. It was the middle of the night but she couldnt sleep. Her mind raced with some many things. Jess had gone to see Carson tonight but she found Mom and Pop's empty so a drive alone was what she had to settle for.

The events of the last few days weaghing heavy on her mind Jess wasnt sure what one to preocess first. Just everything seemed to come up at once it was hard to make sence of anything.

Pulling down another street a single lamp post lights up a bench where a familure figure sits on the bench. No shoes, and no jacket Jess could tell the person was cold. She didnt make a habbit of picking up people from the side of the road in the middle of the night but this was differnt. Axel was a long way from home and freezing half to death. This time she could make an exception.

Pulling along on the side of the road Jess rolls down the window and calls out.

"It looks like the rainbow could use a rain cloude to ride on for a while before it freezes to death. Hope in Axel and let me take you home. Its to cold for you to be out here like this."

Jess offers a smile as she watchs him not sure what he will do or say. Her own questions lingering in her eye but they could wait her friends health was more important.

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