
Getting lost

Walking slowly back to her desk Misty sits down to try and finish what she was doing. Looking up every once in a while at Scott. She felt so helpless. She was ment to help people, but Scott she couldnt help at all. Letting out a heavy sigh Mitsy only hopes that this new councler will be able to help Scott.

Finsihing up with what she was working on Misty stratens up her desk laying a few paper out for the morning. Grabing her jacket Misty slowly makes her way over to Rick's desk. In a low voice she gives a small smile.

"I'm heading out Rick. If you need anything let me know. If not sooner I'll see you tomarrow."

Turning Misty makes her way out of the infermary and acorss the main floor making her way to the door. Letting out a sigh Misty can feel the tention in the air every though no one was there. Usaly when she staryed late on her way out Ty would always greet her and now, no matter how late she stayed she new he wouldnt be there. Continuing her way out Misty trys to keep her head up tomarrow would be another day and maybe it help more promise than this one.

As one figure exits the TJY building another enters going unnoticed. This figure came with the purpis of comfort a small package comfortable tucked under there arm.

Making there way across the TJY floor they new the lay out well and exacly where to go even though they had only been there once or twice. Coming to the infermany door a small knock is hurd to let anyone inside know there was another presence around.

Entering Janet gives a smile to her husband who was sitting at his desk.

"Hey you."

Coming closer Janet lays the package on the desk and leans down to give Rick a kiss on the forhead. Her heart over joyed in seeing him.

" Nate was home early today and I figured you would be home late. I also new you would be upset if you new you missed my fryed chicken so I figured I would bring you some. Not to mention maybe the company would be nice."

Giving another smile Janet looks over at Scott sleeping form on the bed.

"How is he?"

Standing a few moments on Mike's front pourch Angelica hesatates to knock. It was late, what if he was sleeping, what if she was bother him. As Angelica stands there her sister voice pops into her head. "If you can about someone it dosnt matter that time you see them. Making sure they are ok, and seeing if they need a shoulder could sometimes be the best think you could do." Giving a smile at the memorie of her sister words Angelica finally knocks. Maybe Reese did need a friend. She hadnt had a chanse to talk to him all day and she new this probley was hitting him hard. Work was his life, work was his passion. He was like her without work what was there.

Waiting a few more moments and no answer to the door Angelica turns. Maybe he was sleeping. Se would try again tomarrow. Slowly making her way down the steps Angelica stops for a moment looking back at the door one last time before leaving.

Turning the heat up slightly as Axel gets into the car Jess sets out again. Giving him smile and a small chuckle Jess jokes.

"I told you I would pay you back some how for fixing my car."

Continuing to drive Jess listen to Axel tell his story. She had hurd of sleep walking before but something about the look Jess caught in his eyes every once in a while and the tone of his voice told her there was something more. Something much deeper that was not being told.

"I think you should put some child proof locks on your door."

Seeing and being able to tell Axel was up tight about this whole thing Jess trys to make a joke though she new she failed at it being funny. Continuing to drive down the darkend road Jess is silent for a little bit till now Axel had told his reason maybe it was hers now.

"Sometimes when I close my eyes I can still feel the pain, and smell the smells. From what I have read that might live with me for the rest of my life. When you go through sometimes tramatic it just hangs on ready to show its head again at anymoment. "

Letting out a sigh Jess trys to keep her emotions intact. It was hard talking about it still but in the end sometimes it made her feel better.

"Some nights are better than others, tonight was not a good night. I tossed and turned and freaked my ownself out till I just didnt want to be home alone anymore. I had left to see if Carson was still up maybe talk to him for a little bit but when I got to Mom and Pop's he wasnt there. So I figured just driving was the only option I had. "

Leaning over Jess turns the music on the raido down remembering it was so loud.

"Getting lost in music sometimes it a nice way to get away from troubles too."

Letting out a sight again Jess lets the silenct linger as her own thoughts now run through her mind.

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